A police officer can ticket or arrest any where they see a violation of law. There are restrictions about searches and your home, and probable cause. But if your car must be registered, displaying all legal tags and plates, for it to be parked or driven.
Depends if Michigan & Indiana have a reciprocity agreement. If you had to post bond / post AAA card to the police officer at the time of the ticket, then there is not a reciprocity agreement, meaning they do not share driver information. Michigan & Ohio do NOT have such an agreement. You will have to post bond / post AAA card on the roadside in Ohio.
two days
The standard fare for a bus ticket from Flint Michigan to Grand Rapids Michigan is 40 to 42 dollars. This cost is based on 2014 rates provided by Greyhound Bus Lines.
Yes, if the owner of the complex has given the police written permission to issue tickets on the property.
There is not a ticket charge for a no proof of insurance in Michigan. You are given a ticket for other things, such as speeding.
Depends if Michigan & Indiana have a reciprocity agreement. If you had to post bond / post AAA card to the police officer at the time of the ticket, then there is not a reciprocity agreement, meaning they do not share driver information. Michigan & Ohio do NOT have such an agreement. You will have to post bond / post AAA card on the roadside in Ohio.
I believe so. Off duty police officers don't have to do anything during their break but they still have to enforce the law whenever they think it's nescessary.
From a student: They call the police, and from there the police can decide whether to give you a ticket or not.
$15,895 is the cost of the ticket
This all depends on the facts of loss. With more info I could be of more assistance.
Well, depending on where you are headed in Michigan, a ticket from New York to Michigan will cost approximately $109.65 - $144.00.
The police gave him a ticket for speeding.
It depends on the policies of the local police department. It isn't illegal to do so, and most police departments will hire officers if they have a ticket, as long as the ticket is for something minor, such as speeding.
the police will give you a ticket or give you a warning the police will give you a ticket or give you a warning