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NO...he never married nor had any kids.
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Q: Benny Hill is he Ozzy Osborn's dad?
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What is Ozzy osbourne's dad called?

Don.The above name is INCORRECT. Ozzy's fathers name is the same as his sons. Jack Osbourne.

Who was Ozzy Osbourne's dad?

Ozzy Osbourne's dad was named John Thomas "Jack" Osbourne. His mother was Lillian Osbourne and his siblings were Jean, Iris, Gillian, Paul and Tony.

What is Ozzy's dad's name?

His fathers name is the same as his sons. Jack Osbourne.

What is Ozzy osbournes's dad's name?

His fathers name is the same as his sons. Jack Osbourne.

Who is Ozzy's father?

Ozzy Osbourne's dad was named John Thomas "Jack" Osbourne. His mother was Lillian Osbourne and his siblings were Jean, Iris, Gillian, Paul and Tony.

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Nathan's dad is called Dan Scott on One Tree Hill. Dan is also Lucas's dad.

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Nathan's dad in one tree hill is Dan Scott

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Major Dad - 1989 See the Hill--- Over the Hill 1-11 was released on: USA: 27 November 1989

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