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Q: Bach was a master of what form?
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Was Bach a fugue master?


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In addition to being a great composer Bach was also a master what instrument?

Organist (apex) ;)

Did Bach play the clarinet?

no Bach didn't play the clarinet Bach was a noted organist, choir master and composer for church and court musical ensembles. The clarinet was not invented until after he dies, so he never got the opportunity.

How many symphonys did Johann Sebastian Bach?

J.S. Bach didn't write any symphonies. The form didn't really develop until after Bach died.

What is the form for bach little fugue in g minor?

It's in the form of a FUGUE.

Was the organ popular during Bach's life?

Music composed for and played on the organ was extremely popular during the lifetime of J.S. Bach (which I assume is the Bach being referred to). Master Bach had 20 children. 10 died in infancy and 3 went on to become composers/musicians themselves. None quite equalled Papa Bach, but Carl Philipp Emanuel (CPE Bach) didn't fall too far from the tree.

What is the female form of master?

The female form of master is mistress.

What is the masculine of master?

The masculine form of master is "master." Both masculine and feminine forms of this term are the same.

What is the full form of MASTER?


In what form was bach's music?
