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8/15/09 I ordered one from McClendon's online this spring and just ordered another. No problems with the service or quality. The price was only $3.99, but the shipping was $11.36. A bit pricey, but I could only find quantities of 12 elsewhere.

5/25/09: I found them at Anna's Linens in lots of colors and they were only 99 cents each! I have several more metal closet bars that need to be covered so I am thrilled to know where I can get them. They are not quite as thick as the one I bought at Walmart many years ago, but they work to keep my hangars from screeching across the metal!

5/25/09 - None of the places listed below carry the shower rod covers anymore, not even McLendon's (at least it's no loner available on their website). However, there is good news: Space Age Plastics, Inc. has them in 18 different colors for just $2.50 each. But, the "catch" is that you have to order a minimum of six. The nice thing is that you can mix-and-match colors. The website link is

5/6/09 I checked all of these places listed here and the only place I found them was McLendon's Hardware...still $1.99! Thanks, I've been looking for awhile now.

6/23/08 Bought some today at McLendon's Hardware, online. $1.99 each, and reasonable shipping. They offered quick and friendly customer service. I'll add a P.S. if this order doesn't go smoothly. Otherwise, assume it was uneventful.

Recently bought one at Home Depot in their bathroom section. Also found on-line by googling "shower rod covers".

5/11/08 Update. I have looked at Lowes, Home Depot, Bed Bath & Beyond, Linens 'N Things, Walmart, Target, The Great Oudoors, Sears, True Value, Ace Hardware, Ebay and Googled "shower rod covers" All I can find is a couple sites online that require you to purchase a minimum of 12 or 24. I think its safe to say that you can't buy them retail any longer. Which is a shame!

8/30/08 Update: I just purchased a black cover at Bed Bath & Beyond for $1.49.

I was/am looking for a chrome one if anyone comes across it.

Found them for $5.00 @


7/14/2010 I just called Anna's Linens in Greenville SC and they HAVE them!!!!!!!!

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Q: Are vinyl shower rod covers still available?
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It is important to use stretch vinyl to make seat covers on a motorcycle. To stretch it over the seat, pull the material tightly, and staple it in place.

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Two of the things that are made out of vinyl are records and shower curtains. It is also stated that Walter Semon made Golf balls and shoe heels that were made out of vinyl.

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Usually vinyl, some recycled vinyl does appear in some cheaper records, but sometimes virgin vinyl is available.

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What are some things made out of vinyl?

Two of the things that are made out of vinyl are records and shower curtains. It is also stated that Walter Semon made golf balls and shoe heels that were made out of vinyl.

What types of seat covers are easiest to clean?

Leather or vinyl seat covers are by far much easier to clean than cloth seat covers.

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A shower curtain is something that you hang in your bathtub or shower enclosure, to keep the water from getting all over the floor, when you shower. A plastic shower curtain is a shower curtain made from plastic. I think most of them are made from vinyl, actually.