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Ducks are consumers.

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Q: Are ducks producers or composers or decomposers or scavengers?
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Are ducks producers?

As far as ecosystems go. only plants, trees, grasses are producers. Those that eat them are called consumers. Humans are those.

Is a duck a consumer or scavenger?

The type of consumer that a chicken is, is an omnivore. Chickens consume all types of foods which make them omnivores.

What are some producers in tropical rain forests?

some are some ducks

What eat a seagull?

Seagulls are preyed upon by raptors, sharks, and other scavengers.

What consumer eats producers?

Chickens, cows, goats, goldfish, and ducks, to name a few. But you might be looking for primary consumer, a consumer that only eats producers.

What are some producers consumers and decomposers in a pond?

Producers in a pond are plants like algae and water lilies. Consumers include animals such as tadpoles, fish, and ducks that eat the producers. Decomposers like bacteria and fungi break down dead organisms and organic matter in the pond.

What part of the food chain is the leach?

Leeches are typically considered consumers in the food chain, as they feed on the blood of other organisms. They play a role as decomposers in aquatic ecosystems, breaking down organic matter and recycling nutrients.

Do raccons eat ducks?

Yes they do. So do hawks, snakes, owls, foxes, and other various animals.

What birds do jews eat?

These days, mostly chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys. Pigeons are kosher, as are many songbirds. Birds of prey and scavengers are explicitly forbidden, as are flightless birds.

Are ducks consumers?

Yes, ducks are consumers because they eat a variety of foods such as plants, insects, and small fish to obtain energy for their survival. They are considered secondary consumers in the food chain as they feed on primary producers like plants and algae as well as other organisms.

Why did they not make a mighty ducks 4?

Because they were bored with the series and wanted to make other movies. Many producers also feel that if you continue making sequels you detract from the value of the original

Does the Bible say that duck is unclean?

The Bible doesn't mention ducks specifically. While Leviticus 20:25 says that birds which move along the ground are unclean, ducks were not native to Israel. Unclean birds generally refers to scavengers.