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YES!!! i just figured that out today in school. :)

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Q: Are ants decomposers
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What are the decomposers of the ant colony?

The decomposers of the ant colony are the ants that eat the dead. Ants that die in the colony are fed to the decomposers and the queen ant. Ants are naturally decomposers because they feed off dead things.

Are Nigriceps Ants decomposers?


Is red ant decomposers?

No ants are not decomposers they are herbivores or carnivores.

What are four decomposers of the desert?


Why are carpenter ants decomposers?

Carpenter ants are decomposers because they feed off of dead and decaying trees. They also eat other insects, plants and fruit juices.

Are fire ants a decomposer?

Ants, including fire ants, are decomposers. Also on the list of decomposers are flies, mites, spiders, slugs, and snails, to name a few. They are called decomposers because they feed on decomposing matter such as dead animal carcasses.

Are ants decomposers or consumers?

They are decomposers because they are so low on the food chain, that they would not turn down an opportunity for food. However, ants also eat other types of food besides other dead organisms.

Is ants a decomposers?

no they are not as they only help the decompose rs not they are not decompose rs

What are the decomposers in the movie the Lion King?

mold,moss,food,ants, and hienas

What are the five decomposers in the movie the Lion King?

mold,moss,food,ants, and hienas

Animals that are decomposers?

Most decomposers are insects. Flies, maggots, beetles, ants and roaches are forms of insect decomposers. Other decomposers known as scavengers are vultures, hyenas, and possums.

What are some decomposers in a desert?

Some of the decomposers in a desert are various beetles, including dung beetles. Millipedes, ants, fungi, bacteria, and earthworms are other decomposers in a desert.