Apartment parking lots are generally considered reserved for the tenants. Certain spots may be designated for guest parking, but any covered stall would definitely be for a resident. Since these parking lots/spaces are on private land, they are considered just that ... private.
Defining private parking lot is the question here... The jurisdiction extends if the parking lot is regarded as a public access way... i.e. a mall, a hotel driveway, restaurant parking lot. A true private parking lot is a lot where access is limited by invitation or a private residence.
Not in Oregon or Washington. Both states (and many others) classify DUI as a traffic crime that is enforceable on any premise open to the public (a parking lor or private road) as well as on a public roadway. HOWEVER, running a stop sign, which is probably not enforceable on private property, may not create any kind of probable cause for a DUI stop. This is definitely a question for a DUI attorney, but I would not consider just running a stop sign (that you probably don't have to stop for anyway) probable cause for any kind of stop.
That's not open to the public.
No, Eric Clapton never resided in the Dakota Apartments. Eric Clapton maintains several homes around the world, both in Europe and in the United States. Eric Clapton's main residence is in England, located in Stratford on Avon. He owns a second Estate in England that he has referred to as his "refuge" when he requires private time from both his family and the public. It is understood that he does the majority of his composing while at this Estate. He also owns a Penthouse in London, which he has owned for many years, that he makes the loan of to his friends when they are visting London and do not wish to stay in a public hotel. Eric Clapton has owned a number of homes and penthouses in New York, but he never owned one in the Dakota Apartments.
Justin Bieber will be going to a private school.Justin Bieber is homeschooled.
Private property.
An area made publicly accessible, but it is not public property - the parking lot, like the bar, is private property.
Most strip malls are owned by companies or corporations. The property that they operate with the stores are considered private property as are their parking lots and sidewalks.
Defining private parking lot is the question here... The jurisdiction extends if the parking lot is regarded as a public access way... i.e. a mall, a hotel driveway, restaurant parking lot. A true private parking lot is a lot where access is limited by invitation or a private residence.
No. If it is owned by the condominium it is private property. Access to it, and its usage can be controlled by the condo association. There is a lot misunderstanding in most people's minds, and a great deal of legal difference in terminology such as; 'public property,' 'public space,' 'open space,' 'space "to which the public is invited,"' etc., etc.. All have different interpretations and meanings under the law.
The Fed is neither a public or private institution.
The Fed is neither a public or private institution.
Church parking lots are typically considered private property belonging to the church itself. They are usually intended for use by church members and visitors attending services or events. However, some churches may allow public access to their parking lots when not in use for church activities. It's best to check with the church directly.
No,,,,,,,, its considered private property in Canada
Is this taking place on private property parking lot (like a supermarket lot) or in a parking location on a public street? If on a private parking lot it would probably not be illegal to pull out of the spot in the manner you say, traffic laws generally do not apply on private parking lots. However, if you do it without due caution and hit someone or something you can be charged with the collision.
The parking lot is the church's private property, and the church can therefore make their own decision. While a church is probably not going to offer free parking to the public, they very well may offer parking for members.