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Q: A song in which multiple verses of text are set to the same melody is called?
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What has the same melody and the same words?

A round is a type of musical composition where multiple voices sing the same melody but start at different times, creating harmonies. The most famous example is "Frère Jacques" (Brother John) which has the same melody and words but starts at different times.

What is it called when sopranos and altos sing the same melody?

a duet.....?

How do you put different parts of the song together?

It is not clear exactly what you are asking, but of course if you are singing a song with multiple verses, you sing the first verse first (sometimes followed by a refrain), then the second vers, and however many verses there are. For most songs, the verses will have the same, or almost the same, musical notes. If you are asking about adding harmony parts to a melody, a full answer is not going to fit here. You could easily spend a semester or more studying chord structure in order to know how to harmonize simple songs.

Is happy birthday binary or strophic?

"Happy Birthday" is considered a strophic song because it consists of repeated verses set to the same melody. The lyrics remain the same, with only the name changing in the lyrics to personalize it.

What is the form of a song if a melody is repeated in every stanza?

A strophic is a form of composition in which each stanza of poetry is sung with the same melody.

What vocal work in which each poetic stanza is sung to the same melody is in?

A song in which each poetic stanza is sung to the same melody is called a strophic song. This form allows for the same music to be repeated for each stanza, providing a structured and cohesive musical setting for the lyrics.

What type of song do vocalists sing different melodies at thew same time?

They're not the same - the vocal melody is the main voice in a song and can be completed by other voices (usually fainter) and the melody is the main tune and can be completed by other instruments. The vocal melody can follow the same notes as the melody or not. :)

What are good examples of strophic form?

An Example is Bahay Kubo.

What is polyponic?

Polyponic is counterpoint or contrapuntal music. If one independent melody is occuring at the same time.That is called polyponic or polypony.

What is th lowest same multiple of two or more numbers called?

The Least Common Multiple, or LCM.

Are mermaid melody pure and mermaid melody pichi pichi pich the same?

well they are the same series but pichi pichi pich is season 1 and mermaid melody pure is season 2

Can someone have a 13 way?

yes, this is called an orgy. when multiple people engage in sexual acts at the same all at the same time and with multiple partners.