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Q: Zheng He traveled across the Ocean to trade with other countries.?
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Zheng traveled across what ocean to trade with other countries?

the Indian ocean :)

What ocean did zheng travel across to trade with other countries?

the indian ocean :)

Why zheng he traveled other country?

what countrie did Zheng hefind

What did zheng he traded to the other countries to get in?

zheng he traded Chinese goods to the other countries to get in.

What was Zheng He's title?

Zheng He's title in China was Admiral of the Ocean Sea.

What were goals of zheng he journey?

Zheng He's goal was to make contact with other countries

What route did zheng he take?

He traveled to Southeast Asia, India, Persia, Arabia, and Africa.

What were the goals of zheng hes' journey's?

Zheng He's goal was to make contact with other countries

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zheng he

Who visited 30 countries in the 1430s?

zheng he

What countries did zheng he visit?

Zheng He went to South Asia, Southeast Asia, and East Africa. PLease add more things! I don't know much...

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