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i dont know my friend dont know

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Q: Why were Villagers are no longer self sufficient food production declines and famine sets in India?
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What is the cause of villagers are no longer self sufficient food production declines and famine sets in?

India became increasingly valuable to the British after they established a railroad network there.

What is the cause of villagers are no longer self-sufficient food production declines and famine sets in?

India became increasingly valuable to the British after they established a railroad network there.

How are famine and aids related?

Famine and AIDS are related in that AIDS often kills workers in areas where agriculture is the primary source of food production. Poorer areas are most often affected by this disease and when workers die, food production drops and famine occurs.

What does the word famine and drought mean?

Famine is a time of "no food". Drought is a time of "no rain". Drought often brings on famine since lack of water will affect the production of food.

Is Africa self sufficient in food?

If Africa were self-sufficient for food, they would be able to feed their entire population. The existence of famine and the need for help from other nations to help alleviate hunger means that they are not self-sufficient.

How did green revolution in India benefited the farmers?

It benefited the farmers as it provided the increase in production needed to make India self-sufficient in food grains, thus improving agriculture in India. Famine in India, once accepted as inevitable, has not returned since the introduction of Green Revolution crops.

Would famine make people more sufficient?

No. Famine would decrease productivity and hurt the economies of the grocery market. People would be shifting their needs from technological advances in medicine and entertainment to lower essential needs.

Which was a result of Mao's Great Leap Forward?

china experienced a severe famine that caused millions of deaths.

What was the legend of the Oxhead?

it was about a village who once was active & great then a great famine came .. one day a hungry man camed with a cow head .. then the villagers found him then they ate him both cow head & the hungry poor man .. because the famine was so great .. they have to eat him one knows what happened next.. - japan version.

What is extreme scarcity of food called?

A famine. (or perhaps a biblical famine).

How do you use famine in a question?

Here are some sentences.Is there a famine in that country?What are the affects of a famine?

Which event made one million Irish people leave Ireland in the mid-1800?

The Irish Potato Famine