Well Finn was dressed as a priest and Rachel as what appeared to be a nun and they sang a romantic song. Priests and nuns are'nt supposed ti be romantic to each other...that's why it was offensive
Lea Michele (Rachel) and Cory Monteith (Finn) sing a duet of No Air on Glee!
there are a bunch of kids. and they are like total losers (except Kurt i like him) no one likes them but they r all amazing singers then Finn who is a football player joins and Quinn and her friends join GLEE club so they can help it because sue Sylvester (cheerleader coach) loves GLEE and also because Quinn wants to make sure Finn and Rachel don't end up together because she is dating Finn...and then Quinn gets pregnant but Finn isn't the father Puck (football player who joined glee for women) is. Puck likes Quinn and Quinn likes Kurt and Finn likes Quinn and Rachel (amazing singer who always sings the leads but is the biggest loser) likes Finn. Kurt (gay guy in glee) likes Finn and Mercedes (amazing black singer in glee) likes Kurt. Tina (Asian girl in glee) likes Artie(wheelchaired guy) and Artie likes Tina. Mr. Shuester is the glee club coach and his wife Terry is lying about being pregnant and she is going to have Quinn's baby. All the characters go through major problems...but u have to watch to find out They all have one goal and that is SECTIONALS! i know this is confusing but i tried explaining it as best as i can and its sounds SO much better if u go to www.hulu.com they have the glee episodes but not the 1 2 3 or 4 its an amazing show and u can watch it on FOX at 9/8 central
Mike Chang and Tina become a couple over the summer, so Tina ends things with Artie. Artie joins the football team to try and win Tina back, but later gives up on that, although remaining on the football team. Quinn rejoins the Cheerios and becomes head cheerleader, to Santana's dismay. Sam Evans joins the Glee Club, and starts a relationship with Quinn. New Directions prepares to perform 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show' as the school musical, but later gets cancelled due to Will only organizing it just to get closer to Emma, who was dating her dentist, Carl. Artie and Brittney become a couple. Holly Holliday subs for Will's glee club while he is sick, as does Sue for Principal Figgins while he is also sick. Getting carried away with her power as principal, Sue fires Will and hires Holly as the new glee club teacher. Will later gets his job back. While Kurt is out spying on the glee club at Dalton Academy, the Warblers, he meets the main Warbler, Blaine, who shares that he is gay and all the troubles he's had to face because of that with Kurt, making Kurt fall madly in love with him. Emma and Carl get engaged and Will is heart broken, but can't help but continue to chase after Emma. Sam gives Quinn a promise ring, promising that he will always love her and that he will marry her someday. Rachel finds out that Santana and Finn slept together the last year and is furious so she cheats on Finn with Puck. When she forgives Finn for sleeping with Santana (and note that Finn and Rachel weren't together when that happened), she admits that she cheated on Finn. Finn is so furious that he ends their relationship. Kurt faces bullying from Dave Karofsky. Blaine had recently told Kurt to always have courage, so Kurt confronts Karofsky while they are alone in the boys' locker room. While yelling at him, Karofsky kisses Kurt, making Kurt freeze with confusion. Before Karofsky could kiss him again, Kurt runs away. Kurt gets bullied by Karofsky so much that he switches schools and enrolls to Dalton Academy. New Directions tie with the Warblers at sectionals. In the Christmas episode, Rachel tries to win Finn back, but fails. Coach Beiste, the new football coach, forces all of the football players to join New Directions to try and get them to bond and become a 'family' like New Directions is. The football team and New Directions devise a plan to perform during half-time during the big football game at McKinley High School. The glee club Cheerios, Santana, Quinn, and Brittney, must decide whether they are going to stay in glee club and perform during half-time, or go to Nationals with the Cheerios. Although they choose cheerleading first, Finn talks them out of it. Karofsky begins to be nicer towards Finn and everyone in the glee club, but later goes back to being mean when he is slushied. After everyone on the football team is slushied by the field hockey team, everyone on the football team except Finn, Mike, Sam, Artie, and Puck, quits glee club and the football team in order to stay popular and not get slushied. Right before half-time begins, Puck talks everyone on the football team to perform during half-time, except Karofsky, who after watching them perform joins in on their performance. Quinn, who was still dating Sam, kisses Finn after the football game, admiring him for being a leader. Blaine gets the Warblers to sing to his crush, Jeremiah, who later rejects a heart-broken Blaine. Kurt admits his feelings for Blaine to Blaine himself, but Blaine tells him he is terrible at romance and doesn't want to ruin their friendship. Finn sets up a kissing booth and Quinn kisses him to prove that nothing is going on between her and Finn to Sam. This kiss ignites the feelings they had for each other and Quinn then cheats on Sam with Finn. Santana recognizes their affair and gives mono to Finn, who then passes the disease on to Quinn. Rachel tries to get Finn to kiss her so he might forgive her for cheating on him, but he refuses and tells her that she is a 'star that needs to shine'. Sue joins the glee club, and Sam forms a one-man tribute band called 'The Justin Bieber Experience' to try to impress Quinn, whom he still suspects that she's cheating on him with Finn. Although Quinn chooses Sam over Finn, Santana gets Sam to finally realize that Quinn was cheating on him. Sam then ends their relationship and gets together with Santana. Lauren Zizes and Puck become a couple. Sue admits that she is the new glee club vocal coach for Aural Intensity. McKinley High School goes through a 'No Drinking' week. New Directions thinks that their only chances of winning the glee club competition against the Warblers and Aural Intensity is to write original songs. Rachel attempts to write original songs, but Finn disapproves of them, and gives her the advice to 'live a little'. Rachel then throws a party at her house while her parents are gone and invites the whole glee club, and Blaine. Puck, with the permission of Rachel, gets alcohol from Rachel's dads' stash of booze and everyone except Kurt and Finn get wildly drunk. While everyone plays 'Spin the Bottle', Blaine and Rachel kiss and fall in love, later singing a duet. Kurt is absolutely horrified by this, hoping that Blaine doesn't become straight. Kurt then lets Blaine stay the night at his house, where Burt, Kurt's father sees this and urges Kurt to use protection and such. While Will is drunk, he dials Sue's number, meaning to call Emma, and leaves a steamy message. Holly Holliday returns and starts a relationship with Will. Santana begins to realize her feelings towards Brittney and they sing 'Landslide' about it with Holly. Everyone tries to write good, original songs for Regionals. When Rachel tries, Finn urges her to dig deeper into her true feelings and pain. When Rachel confronts Quinn about having a relationship with Finn, Quinn admits that they have been seeing each other and tells Rachel that she can't hate her for sending her on her way. Heart-broken, Rachel writes one original song. Brittney confronts Santana about missing their friendship, but Santana is angry and tells Brittney that she's mad about how she 'blew her off'. Back at Dalton, Kurt tells Blaine how although he loves Blaine's voice, hates how Blaine always gets solos and feels as if the Warblers are actually 'Blaine and the Pips'. Kurt later mourns the loss of his beloved pet canary and sings about his mourn through the song 'Blackbird' for the Warblers. Blaine, touched by his performance, realizes how much he loves Kurt. He then proposes that he and Kurt sing a duet for Regionals. Later on, Blaine admits that he loves Kurt and that singing a duet with him would only be an excuse to spend more time with him. Kurt and Blaine kiss, and quickly become a couple. At Regionals, Rachel tells Finn to listen to her original song, since she 'means every word of it'. Her song, called 'Get It Right', and the glee club's original song 'Loser Like Me' wins them Regionals, leaving the Warblers at second place. To raise money for New Direction's trip to New York, they hold a concert, where only 4 people (Sue and three students) come, who only jeer the glee club, making Tina cry. Holly performs 'Turning Tables' for Will, then ends their relationship. Karofsky is forced to become nicer and be Santana's 'beard' when she finds out that he's gay. Making Karofsky nicer gives Kurt a chance to return to McKinley, which he takes. The Warblers perform a farewell song for him. Finn accidentally punches Rachel in the nose while they rehearse dance steps for Nationals, breaking her nose. The doctor persuades her to get a nose job, while the whole glee club is against it. Finn, furious about her decision, tells Rachel that she's beautiful, to Quinn's dismay, since they are a couple now. Santana and Karofsky enter the prom king/queen race, along with Lauren and Puck, and Quinn and Finn. Will urges the kids to embrace both their perfections and imperfections, so he says that they all must make a t-shirt that has their imperfection written on it and that they must wear it during New Direction's performance of Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way'. Puck and Lauren research Quinn's past and discover that her real name is Lucy Quinn Fabrey and that she was the least popular girl in her whole middle school. The summer going into high school she changed her name to Quinn, went to dance class which helped her lose weight, used acne medicine to get rid of all her pimples, dyed her hair blonde, got contacts, and got a nose job. Lauren shows Quinn a picture of how Quinn looked in middle school (a fat, pimple-covered, red-haired girl with glasses) and tells Quinn that that picture of her is posted all around the school. Quinn races out to discover everyone crowded around the picture of her. She desperately tears it down and runs away, crying. When Finn finds the picture, he replaces a picture of Quinn now to the one of her as a middle-school student, telling her that she has always been beautiful. In order to stop Rachel from getting a nose job, Kurt and Puck arrange a flash mob for her, making her change her mind about getting a nose job. During the 'Born This Way' performance, everyone has their shirt on, including Emma, who changed her shirt from 'Ginger' to 'OCD'. April Rhodes visits Will and tries to get him to come with her to New York to start up her Broadway production of 'CrossRhodes'. Sue starts back up the school newspaper, trying to get everyone in the glee club to hate each other. When the newspaper claims that Quinn and Sam are having an affair, Finn gets so mad that he, along with Rachel, follows the words of the newspaper to a motel, where he sees both Sam and Quinn come out of a room, hugging. Someone from the newspaper spots Rachel and Finn there, and puts in the newspaper that Rachel and Finn are having an affair. At another stake out, Rachel and Finn see Kurt come out of the motel room with Sam, instead of Quinn. They then see Sam with Kurt's clothes on, and they immediately assume that Kurt and Quinn are both cheaters. The whole glee club confronts Sam, and Sam admits that his family lost their house, and they are living in that motel room. Quinn was helping babysit his brother and sister, and Kurt was lending him clothes. Feeling horrible and hearing that Sam had sold his guitar to help pay for food and such, Rachel and Finn buy back his guitar and invite him to join the glee club for a performance of 'Don't Stop'. Everyone prepares for prom night. Kurt asks Blaine if he would go to prom with him, which Blaine cautiously agrees with, since the last time Blaine went to prom with a guy, he was beat up. Jesse St. James returns and apologizes for what he did to Rachel in season 1. Rachel accepts his apology and they go to prom together, to Finn's dismay. Rachel sings 'Jar of Hearts' to Finn, and Finn later starts a fight with Jesse, getting them both kicked out. When Karofsky is announced prom king, Santana is sure she already has the prom queen tiara. But then, Kurt is announced prom queen, and he figures out that people weren't being mean to him on the outside, but instead they formed a secret ballot and voted him queen. Crushed, he runs out of the gym and into the hallways, where Blaine urges him to have courage and show them all that they can't hurt him. He then accepts being prom queen and says into the microphone 'Eat your heart out, Kate Middelton'. He later slow dances with Blaine. Quinn, blaming the fight and her loss at being prom queen on Rachel, slaps Rachel, but Rachel doesn't take it personally and they talk. Will hires Jesse as New Direction's strategist and Jesse urges Will to use Vocal Adrenaline's method: pick the strongest singer in the glee club and have that person be the center of the performance. Will and Jesse then hold auditions to determine who it will be. Santana, Mercedes, Kurt, and Rachel all audition. While Will is blown away by all four auditions, Jesse only prefers Rachel's. When Rachel was singing her song 'My Man', she imagined her singing it to Finn, but Jesse believes she was singing it to him, another reason why he favors it. Will drops this method and decides to do original songs again. Sue's beloved, and mentally-challenged sister dies and New Directions' organizes a funeral, which Sue is extremely thankful for. After the funeral, Finn realizes that he's still in love with Rachel so he ends things with Quinn. Quinn decides not to quit New Directions because, as she tells Finn, it will ruin her plans for New York, which she refuses to tell him. As Finn brings a flower for Rachel, he sees Rachel and Jesse kiss, so he doesn't give it to her. Terri gives Will and the glee club first-class tickets to New York and tells him that she's moving to Miami to start a new life. Sue tells Will that she is going to stop trying to 'destroy' the glee club and is running to be in the United States Hose of Representatives. When New Directions get to New York, Will locks them in their hotel room and tells them to write original songs. Will then goes to April Rhodes' set of 'CrossRhodes', where he sings and realizes that although he wants to be on Broadway, he can't leave New Directions. Back at the hotel room, the kids leave and perform a mash-up. Finn tries to win Rachel back but she insists that she's focusing on her career. At Nationals, Finn's original song makes Rachel kiss him in front of the audience, costing them a place in the top 10. Back in Ohio, Kurt recounts the memories in Ohio with Blaine, Sam and Mercedes start a relationship, Santana and Brittney become friends again, and, although Rachel tells Finn she's going to New York after they graduate, they become a couple.
They never slept together or at least never showed anything
Can You Duet ended in 2009-06.
Lea Michele (Rachel) and Cory Monteith (Finn) sing a duet of No Air on Glee!
Kurt was upset and feeling lonely because he thought Sam was gay, only to later find out he was straight and now dating Quinn. So basically Rachel said that she understands that Kurt was feeling lonely because he didn't have a boyfriend or a lover, unlike most of the people in Glee club (Finn and Rachel and Mike Chang and Tina for example). She also reminded him that although he's feeling lonely, that the rest of glee club loved him for exactly who he was, saying that he wasn't alone. So she offered to sing a duet with him to make him feel better.
Will: "okay so what is a duet" Brittany S. Pierce: "A blanket?"
Lindsay and Alex never had a duet together on The Glee Project.
there are a bunch of kids. and they are like total losers (except Kurt i like him) no one likes them but they r all amazing singers then Finn who is a football player joins and Quinn and her friends join GLEE club so they can help it because sue Sylvester (cheerleader coach) loves GLEE and also because Quinn wants to make sure Finn and Rachel don't end up together because she is dating Finn...and then Quinn gets pregnant but Finn isn't the father Puck (football player who joined glee for women) is. Puck likes Quinn and Quinn likes Kurt and Finn likes Quinn and Rachel (amazing singer who always sings the leads but is the biggest loser) likes Finn. Kurt (gay guy in glee) likes Finn and Mercedes (amazing black singer in glee) likes Kurt. Tina (Asian girl in glee) likes Artie(wheelchaired guy) and Artie likes Tina. Mr. Shuester is the glee club coach and his wife Terry is lying about being pregnant and she is going to have Quinn's baby. All the characters go through major problems...but u have to watch to find out They all have one goal and that is SECTIONALS! i know this is confusing but i tried explaining it as best as i can and its sounds SO much better if u go to www.hulu.com they have the glee episodes but not the 1 2 3 or 4 its an amazing show and u can watch it on FOX at 9/8 central
Mike Chang and Tina become a couple over the summer, so Tina ends things with Artie. Artie joins the football team to try and win Tina back, but later gives up on that, although remaining on the football team. Quinn rejoins the Cheerios and becomes head cheerleader, to Santana's dismay. Sam Evans joins the Glee Club, and starts a relationship with Quinn. New Directions prepares to perform 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show' as the school musical, but later gets cancelled due to Will only organizing it just to get closer to Emma, who was dating her dentist, Carl. Artie and Brittney become a couple. Holly Holliday subs for Will's glee club while he is sick, as does Sue for Principal Figgins while he is also sick. Getting carried away with her power as principal, Sue fires Will and hires Holly as the new glee club teacher. Will later gets his job back. While Kurt is out spying on the glee club at Dalton Academy, the Warblers, he meets the main Warbler, Blaine, who shares that he is gay and all the troubles he's had to face because of that with Kurt, making Kurt fall madly in love with him. Emma and Carl get engaged and Will is heart broken, but can't help but continue to chase after Emma. Sam gives Quinn a promise ring, promising that he will always love her and that he will marry her someday. Rachel finds out that Santana and Finn slept together the last year and is furious so she cheats on Finn with Puck. When she forgives Finn for sleeping with Santana (and note that Finn and Rachel weren't together when that happened), she admits that she cheated on Finn. Finn is so furious that he ends their relationship. Kurt faces bullying from Dave Karofsky. Blaine had recently told Kurt to always have courage, so Kurt confronts Karofsky while they are alone in the boys' locker room. While yelling at him, Karofsky kisses Kurt, making Kurt freeze with confusion. Before Karofsky could kiss him again, Kurt runs away. Kurt gets bullied by Karofsky so much that he switches schools and enrolls to Dalton Academy. New Directions tie with the Warblers at sectionals. In the Christmas episode, Rachel tries to win Finn back, but fails. Coach Beiste, the new football coach, forces all of the football players to join New Directions to try and get them to bond and become a 'family' like New Directions is. The football team and New Directions devise a plan to perform during half-time during the big football game at McKinley High School. The glee club Cheerios, Santana, Quinn, and Brittney, must decide whether they are going to stay in glee club and perform during half-time, or go to Nationals with the Cheerios. Although they choose cheerleading first, Finn talks them out of it. Karofsky begins to be nicer towards Finn and everyone in the glee club, but later goes back to being mean when he is slushied. After everyone on the football team is slushied by the field hockey team, everyone on the football team except Finn, Mike, Sam, Artie, and Puck, quits glee club and the football team in order to stay popular and not get slushied. Right before half-time begins, Puck talks everyone on the football team to perform during half-time, except Karofsky, who after watching them perform joins in on their performance. Quinn, who was still dating Sam, kisses Finn after the football game, admiring him for being a leader. Blaine gets the Warblers to sing to his crush, Jeremiah, who later rejects a heart-broken Blaine. Kurt admits his feelings for Blaine to Blaine himself, but Blaine tells him he is terrible at romance and doesn't want to ruin their friendship. Finn sets up a kissing booth and Quinn kisses him to prove that nothing is going on between her and Finn to Sam. This kiss ignites the feelings they had for each other and Quinn then cheats on Sam with Finn. Santana recognizes their affair and gives mono to Finn, who then passes the disease on to Quinn. Rachel tries to get Finn to kiss her so he might forgive her for cheating on him, but he refuses and tells her that she is a 'star that needs to shine'. Sue joins the glee club, and Sam forms a one-man tribute band called 'The Justin Bieber Experience' to try to impress Quinn, whom he still suspects that she's cheating on him with Finn. Although Quinn chooses Sam over Finn, Santana gets Sam to finally realize that Quinn was cheating on him. Sam then ends their relationship and gets together with Santana. Lauren Zizes and Puck become a couple. Sue admits that she is the new glee club vocal coach for Aural Intensity. McKinley High School goes through a 'No Drinking' week. New Directions thinks that their only chances of winning the glee club competition against the Warblers and Aural Intensity is to write original songs. Rachel attempts to write original songs, but Finn disapproves of them, and gives her the advice to 'live a little'. Rachel then throws a party at her house while her parents are gone and invites the whole glee club, and Blaine. Puck, with the permission of Rachel, gets alcohol from Rachel's dads' stash of booze and everyone except Kurt and Finn get wildly drunk. While everyone plays 'Spin the Bottle', Blaine and Rachel kiss and fall in love, later singing a duet. Kurt is absolutely horrified by this, hoping that Blaine doesn't become straight. Kurt then lets Blaine stay the night at his house, where Burt, Kurt's father sees this and urges Kurt to use protection and such. While Will is drunk, he dials Sue's number, meaning to call Emma, and leaves a steamy message. Holly Holliday returns and starts a relationship with Will. Santana begins to realize her feelings towards Brittney and they sing 'Landslide' about it with Holly. Everyone tries to write good, original songs for Regionals. When Rachel tries, Finn urges her to dig deeper into her true feelings and pain. When Rachel confronts Quinn about having a relationship with Finn, Quinn admits that they have been seeing each other and tells Rachel that she can't hate her for sending her on her way. Heart-broken, Rachel writes one original song. Brittney confronts Santana about missing their friendship, but Santana is angry and tells Brittney that she's mad about how she 'blew her off'. Back at Dalton, Kurt tells Blaine how although he loves Blaine's voice, hates how Blaine always gets solos and feels as if the Warblers are actually 'Blaine and the Pips'. Kurt later mourns the loss of his beloved pet canary and sings about his mourn through the song 'Blackbird' for the Warblers. Blaine, touched by his performance, realizes how much he loves Kurt. He then proposes that he and Kurt sing a duet for Regionals. Later on, Blaine admits that he loves Kurt and that singing a duet with him would only be an excuse to spend more time with him. Kurt and Blaine kiss, and quickly become a couple. At Regionals, Rachel tells Finn to listen to her original song, since she 'means every word of it'. Her song, called 'Get It Right', and the glee club's original song 'Loser Like Me' wins them Regionals, leaving the Warblers at second place. To raise money for New Direction's trip to New York, they hold a concert, where only 4 people (Sue and three students) come, who only jeer the glee club, making Tina cry. Holly performs 'Turning Tables' for Will, then ends their relationship. Karofsky is forced to become nicer and be Santana's 'beard' when she finds out that he's gay. Making Karofsky nicer gives Kurt a chance to return to McKinley, which he takes. The Warblers perform a farewell song for him. Finn accidentally punches Rachel in the nose while they rehearse dance steps for Nationals, breaking her nose. The doctor persuades her to get a nose job, while the whole glee club is against it. Finn, furious about her decision, tells Rachel that she's beautiful, to Quinn's dismay, since they are a couple now. Santana and Karofsky enter the prom king/queen race, along with Lauren and Puck, and Quinn and Finn. Will urges the kids to embrace both their perfections and imperfections, so he says that they all must make a t-shirt that has their imperfection written on it and that they must wear it during New Direction's performance of Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way'. Puck and Lauren research Quinn's past and discover that her real name is Lucy Quinn Fabrey and that she was the least popular girl in her whole middle school. The summer going into high school she changed her name to Quinn, went to dance class which helped her lose weight, used acne medicine to get rid of all her pimples, dyed her hair blonde, got contacts, and got a nose job. Lauren shows Quinn a picture of how Quinn looked in middle school (a fat, pimple-covered, red-haired girl with glasses) and tells Quinn that that picture of her is posted all around the school. Quinn races out to discover everyone crowded around the picture of her. She desperately tears it down and runs away, crying. When Finn finds the picture, he replaces a picture of Quinn now to the one of her as a middle-school student, telling her that she has always been beautiful. In order to stop Rachel from getting a nose job, Kurt and Puck arrange a flash mob for her, making her change her mind about getting a nose job. During the 'Born This Way' performance, everyone has their shirt on, including Emma, who changed her shirt from 'Ginger' to 'OCD'. April Rhodes visits Will and tries to get him to come with her to New York to start up her Broadway production of 'CrossRhodes'. Sue starts back up the school newspaper, trying to get everyone in the glee club to hate each other. When the newspaper claims that Quinn and Sam are having an affair, Finn gets so mad that he, along with Rachel, follows the words of the newspaper to a motel, where he sees both Sam and Quinn come out of a room, hugging. Someone from the newspaper spots Rachel and Finn there, and puts in the newspaper that Rachel and Finn are having an affair. At another stake out, Rachel and Finn see Kurt come out of the motel room with Sam, instead of Quinn. They then see Sam with Kurt's clothes on, and they immediately assume that Kurt and Quinn are both cheaters. The whole glee club confronts Sam, and Sam admits that his family lost their house, and they are living in that motel room. Quinn was helping babysit his brother and sister, and Kurt was lending him clothes. Feeling horrible and hearing that Sam had sold his guitar to help pay for food and such, Rachel and Finn buy back his guitar and invite him to join the glee club for a performance of 'Don't Stop'. Everyone prepares for prom night. Kurt asks Blaine if he would go to prom with him, which Blaine cautiously agrees with, since the last time Blaine went to prom with a guy, he was beat up. Jesse St. James returns and apologizes for what he did to Rachel in season 1. Rachel accepts his apology and they go to prom together, to Finn's dismay. Rachel sings 'Jar of Hearts' to Finn, and Finn later starts a fight with Jesse, getting them both kicked out. When Karofsky is announced prom king, Santana is sure she already has the prom queen tiara. But then, Kurt is announced prom queen, and he figures out that people weren't being mean to him on the outside, but instead they formed a secret ballot and voted him queen. Crushed, he runs out of the gym and into the hallways, where Blaine urges him to have courage and show them all that they can't hurt him. He then accepts being prom queen and says into the microphone 'Eat your heart out, Kate Middelton'. He later slow dances with Blaine. Quinn, blaming the fight and her loss at being prom queen on Rachel, slaps Rachel, but Rachel doesn't take it personally and they talk. Will hires Jesse as New Direction's strategist and Jesse urges Will to use Vocal Adrenaline's method: pick the strongest singer in the glee club and have that person be the center of the performance. Will and Jesse then hold auditions to determine who it will be. Santana, Mercedes, Kurt, and Rachel all audition. While Will is blown away by all four auditions, Jesse only prefers Rachel's. When Rachel was singing her song 'My Man', she imagined her singing it to Finn, but Jesse believes she was singing it to him, another reason why he favors it. Will drops this method and decides to do original songs again. Sue's beloved, and mentally-challenged sister dies and New Directions' organizes a funeral, which Sue is extremely thankful for. After the funeral, Finn realizes that he's still in love with Rachel so he ends things with Quinn. Quinn decides not to quit New Directions because, as she tells Finn, it will ruin her plans for New York, which she refuses to tell him. As Finn brings a flower for Rachel, he sees Rachel and Jesse kiss, so he doesn't give it to her. Terri gives Will and the glee club first-class tickets to New York and tells him that she's moving to Miami to start a new life. Sue tells Will that she is going to stop trying to 'destroy' the glee club and is running to be in the United States Hose of Representatives. When New Directions get to New York, Will locks them in their hotel room and tells them to write original songs. Will then goes to April Rhodes' set of 'CrossRhodes', where he sings and realizes that although he wants to be on Broadway, he can't leave New Directions. Back at the hotel room, the kids leave and perform a mash-up. Finn tries to win Rachel back but she insists that she's focusing on her career. At Nationals, Finn's original song makes Rachel kiss him in front of the audience, costing them a place in the top 10. Back in Ohio, Kurt recounts the memories in Ohio with Blaine, Sam and Mercedes start a relationship, Santana and Brittney become friends again, and, although Rachel tells Finn she's going to New York after they graduate, they become a couple.
Basically, Rachel lands a gig in LA for her own "Untitled Rachel Berry Project", which is like a TV show about her. Sam and Mercedes are taking a break from their relationship for a while, and Mercedes and Brittany will tour around, and are supposed to meet up with Santana in Reno (in Season Six) after Santana finishes up her "Yeast-I-Stat" commercial in Iowa. Blaine's big showcase ends very successfully, and includes a duet with Kurt.
They never slept together or at least never showed anything
It is called a DuetDuet
A duet is a duet, regardless of the sexes of the singers.
A song sung by two people is called a duet