because it has a thin outer layer. It is strong but 'hollow' inside.
The main structure of the Taj Mahal was completed in 1648, and the adjacent buildings and gardens in 1653.
Whatever is your language, Taj Mahal shall be called as TAJ MAHAL only Hope this helps
The Taj Mahal is in India and India is in Asia, so the Taj Mahal is in Asia.
The taj mahal is about 2555ft long
The Taj Mahal.
The taj mahal in India
The main structure of the Taj Mahal was completed in 1648, and the adjacent buildings and gardens in 1653.
Wind is one of the forces acting on the structure especially for the 4 towers on the outside of taj mahal
yes it is a balanced structure. it was built in significant way
Mumtaz Mahal was not alive when the Taj Mahal was built. When she died, she was buried in the Taj Mahal.
Whatever is your language, Taj Mahal shall be called as TAJ MAHAL only Hope this helps
Taj Mahal looks like a serene magnificent structure of marble that stands humbly on the River front. It was constructed by Shah Jehan for his wife Mumtaz Mahal.
The Taj Mahal is in India and India is in Asia, so the Taj Mahal is in Asia.
Taj Mahal is the mausoleum (tomb) of Mumtaz Mahal.
The taj mahal is about 2555ft long
It is made of white marble and many gems are put in it
Never. Taj Mahal is the tomb of his favorite wife Mumtaz Mahal. But, Shah Jahan was also buried in the Taj Mahal.