She said that her manager was fired from the unknown business so he didn't try to put her in the sequel
Lola Scott from Camp Rock is played by Aaryn Doyle.
Aaryn Doyle
Canadian actress Aaryn Doyle who played Lola Scott in Disney's Camp Rock is 15 years old. But she did the Movie Camp Rock at the age of 14. There is a great weblog site about her ont the net by a web editor named rubydeee at where she talks about herself, as well as gives interviews and up-dates. She even has samples of her new songs on the site.
Lola Martinez played by Victoria Justice.
Lola was a Temptess who was owned by the devil. April Nixon played an old lady given youth again by Ray Walston, and conived into doing his ill will.
Lola Scott from Camp Rock is played by Aaryn Doyle.
Aaryn Doyle
Canadian actress Aaryn Doyle who played Lola Scott in Disney's Camp Rock is 15 years old. But she did the Movie Camp Rock at the age of 14. There is a great weblog site about her ont the net by a web editor named rubydeee at where she talks about herself, as well as gives interviews and up-dates. She even has samples of her new songs on the site.
Aaryn Doyle has: Played herself in "Canada A.M." in 1972. Played Carole Robertson in "Sins of the Father" in 2002. Played Choir Singer in "Canadian Idol" in 2003. Played Small Black Girl in "Jasper, Texas" in 2003. Played herself in "Words to Music: The Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame 2007" in 2007. Played Flore in "Friends and Heroes" in 2007. Played Halaqa Teen 3 in "Little Mosque on the Prairie" in 2007. Played Lily in "The Latest Buzz" in 2007. Played Lola in "Camp Rock" in 2008. Played Flirty Model in "Against the Wall" in 2011.
aaron Doyle
yomani falls
Joe Jonas played Shane Gray, Nick Jonas played Nate, Kevin Jonas played Jason, Demi Lovato played Mitchie Torres, Alyson Stoner played Caitlin Geller, Meghan Jette Martin played Tess Tyler, Maria Canals-Barrera played Connie Torres, Julie Brown played Dee La Duke, Daniel Fathers played Brown Cesario, Anna Maria Perez de Tagle played Ella, Jasmine Richards played Peggy, Jordan Francis played Barron, Roshon Fegan played Sander, Aaryn Doyle played Lola, Giovanni Spina played Andy, and Jennifer Ricci played TJ Tyler.
Franka Potente
Lola Martinez played by Victoria Justice.
Cathrin Benesch has: Played Julia in "Bodycount - Die Klasse von 1999" in 1999. Played Lola Kraft in "Tatort Calw" in 2001. Played Lola Kraft in "Tatort: Calw - Das zweite Gesicht" in 2002. Played Lola Kraft in "Tatort Calw - Opfer" in 2003. Played Lola Kraft in "Tatort Calw - Die Hollywoodmorde" in 2004. Played Mona Gerber in "5 vor 12" in 2006. Played Lola Kraft in "Village People 2 - Auf der Jagd nach dem Nazigold" in 2009. Played Lola Kraft in "Tatort Calw - Hexensabbat" in 2013.
Lola Glaudini.
Lola Young has: Played Dolly in "Caminhos Longos" in 1955. Played Ward Sister in "The Sandbaggers" in 1978. Played Prostitute in "Out" in 1978. Played Janey in "Metal Mickey" in 1980. Played Nurse in "The Gentle Touch" in 1980.