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she's probably in a depression or she mite sadly not love you any more and NOBODY does deserve this its the same with my mother.all can say is leave her a note saying how you feel and just well spend more time doeing what YOU whant and hope fully she'll notice your allways gone and she'll try to spen more time with you and if your christian god bless and pray for her love.

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Q: Why does my mom love her boyfriend more than me?
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if you love your boyfriend and your mom you know what to do

Can you love 2 people at the same time?

Yes! i love my boyfriend and my mom! you can love more then 2 people if u want lol

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I don't think that's possible. There is no bigger love than a child and his mom.

Your mom wants to move but you love your boyfriend and you dont want to move?

Talk to your mom about it, or if you truly love your boyfriend, then try a long distance relationship. Depending on how old you are, maybe your mom will let you guys visit each other when you move into your new house.

What if your mom doesnt like your boyfriend?

if you mom doesn't like your boyfriend you have to make your mom like your boyfriend and anyways if you love your boyfriend your mom should'NT mind because your mom wants you to be happy i sorta agree budd u mite lose your mom over a boyfran because she reaqlly dosent like this boy for a reason n u don't know y i need help any suggestions

Why is your mom so loving and nice?

Yes my mother is an awsome mom she is always nice and she is really funny she is entertaning i love my mom more than anything in the world!

What is a reasonable amount of money to spend on your boyfriend of a year for his birthday the same to spend on your mom for hers I don't have much money?

Spend way more on your mom then your boyfriend

What if you have a boyfriend you love so much but your mom and your friends arent feeling him?

go with your gut feeling if you love him enough you wouldn't care what they thought

What are you called if your father and your mom's boyfriend are third cousins?

Well if your father and your mom's boyfriend are third cousins then you and your mom's boyfriend are third cousins once removed.

What is the duration of My Mom's New Boyfriend?

The duration of My Mom's New Boyfriend is 1.62 hours.

How do you tell your mom that your boyfriend is paralyzed?

Good communication skills between your mom and you or in any other relationship is very important. Even though your boyfriend is paralyzed it does not mean he doesn't have feelings. It may turn out you either have sympathy for him and you will remain friends or, you love him and have to decide what the future would hold for both of you and how you would be financially capable of having a life together. Be honest with your mother and tell her at this moment in time you love your boyfriend and the fact he is paralyzed does not matter to you. You may be surprised that your mom is wiser than you think and will be sure to tell you the drawbacks on this type of relationship, but she may also surprise you and encourage you in the relationship with your boyfriend. Your mom is there in hopes of you having the very best that life can offer you so be patient with her and listen to what she has to say on the subject and then you will have to decide what you want to do in this relationship with your boyfriend.

Why MOM is Special?

Your Mom, your Dad, and your Mom's Dad (your maternal granddad) are all special. They raised you, they love you more than anyone else on the earth, they fed you, they helped you with everything. No one is like your parents and your granddad !