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Odysseus was ten years late to return home because goddess Hera protector of Troy planned difficulties for the Greek warrior who's strategic assited to the fall and destroy of her preferred citizens, and his making an enemy of the sea god Poseidon by harming his son, Polyphemus, probably didn't help.

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Q: Why does it take Odysseus ten years to get home?
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What does Odysseus do after the war?

Odysseus eventually managed to return to his wife Penelope and child Telemachus. But first, he spent another ten years going through the adventures talked about in the Odyssey.

Who is the narrator in I am laertes' son?

'I am Laertes' son' is the beginning of the Odyssey. The section is about Odysseus, son of Laertes, telling the beginning of his hard journery to King Alcinous on the island of Phaeacia. Before he was washed ashore to the island of Phaeacia, Odysseus has lost all his men on boats. He is the only one to survive the harsh journey, but yet, he is not home. Poseidon, God of the Sea, makes it rough for Odysseus to reach home, to Ithaca. When Odysseus is washed ashore on the island of Phaeacia, women that work for the king discovers Odysseus and takes him to bathe, feed, and cloth. Thus, when Odysseus eats with King Alcinous during a festival, he tells him who he is and begins his story of why he hasn't returned home for ten years.

How long does it take to count till ten in ten seconds?

It takes exactly ten seconds to count to ten in ten seconds.

What are The Iliad and Odyssey about?

The Iliad, is a written account of the final weeks of The Trojan War with Achilles as the protagonist. The Odyssey is Odysseus' ten year journey from Troy after the Trojan War to his homeland Greece. Both are written by Homer. Both are called epic poems also as they are mainly written in dactylic hexameter. Mathew :-)

What age can a child be left home alone in New Brunswick?

Children under 12 years of age cannot be left at home alone, or to care for younger children.

Related questions

What was the adventure that took Odysseus ten years?

returning home from war

How long did take Odysseus to reach his home in Ithaca?

The Trojan War lasted ten years. The journey home usually took around two weeks. It took him 10 years.

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what is the town besieged for ten years by Odysseus

Why did it take ten years for Odysseus to make it home?

It took Odysseus 20 years to make it home. 10 years at Troy and then another 10 years trying to get home. The reasons he doesn't make it home is because he has made Poseidon (god of the sea) mad. Also he runs into goddesses that keep him on their island to "take them to bed", and his ship mates open the bag of winds that takes them off course.

How many years did it take for The Iliad to get home?

You mean Odysseus, don't you? It took about ten years for him to get home after the Greeks won in the Trojan War (it also lasted 10 years). The journey home is described in the Odyssey, also written(?) by Homer, and is full of adventures.

What happened to Odysseus after the Trojan war?

He spent the next ten years getting home. It is the story of the Odyssey.

Why does Odysseus have to be away from home for 20 years?

cause in the story he had to go through SO many problems to get home Odysseus had to be twenty years away from his home for two reasons: A/ He participated in the ten years war between Greeks and Trojans and B/ His way back home on his ships lasted ten years. Both stories are given in the epic poems of Homer Iliad and Odyssey.

What was The Odyssey of Odysseus?

"The Odyssey" by Homer is an epic poem in which Odysseus wandered the earth for ten years having adventures, trying to return home to Ithaca after the Trojan War.

How does Odysseus has the power to steer is fate?

No, he never wanted to go fight in the Trojan War, but he got stuck fighting in it for ten years. After the war was over, he wanted to go straight home, but it took him ten years to reach home.

How many years did Odysseus travel on his entire journey?

Odysseus was ten years fighting the Trojan War and another ten years on his return journey, for a total of 20 years away from Ithaca.

After the war what do the gods do to Odysseus?

After the Trojan War, the gods made Odysseus wander for ten years. He returned back to Ithaca after the ten year, but died by the hands of his son.

What is Odyssey from ancient Greece?

The Odyssey is an ancient Greek story written by Homer about a man called Odysseus and his journey home after war which took ten years as he was cursed.