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Because he is from freshwater and needs to breathe freshwater instead if air.

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Q: Why does gil webber have a tank on his head on monster high?
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Who is gil from Monster High?

Gil is Lagoona Blue's boyfriend. He is in Fresh water and Lagoona lives in the sea. Gil has a web hanging over on his head with a tank filled with water that is fresh so he can breathe out in public. His actual dressing is a black suit but for skull shores he wears a black tank top swim suit with black trunks.

Where did monster squishington live in animated series bump in the night?

in the toilet tank

How tall is a 500 barrel tank?

Tank is 40 feet high and holds 55,000 barrels.

In twilight who said I don't think a tank could take out that old monster?

Jacob Black did to Bella in Twilight, when he gives Bella Billy's old truck.

How does a tank circuit filter out frequencies?

Without writing a book, the tank circuit (tank) is what is called a tuned circuit. The basic tank circuit has an inductive component (a coil) and a capacitive component (a cap). There are a couple of concepts that you need to get a handle on. A tank has a given "resonance" based on the net inductance and capacitance. It has one frequency that it really likes to run at. That's the resonant frequency (fo). The tank is tuned for that fo. A signal at that frequency that is put into the stage that has a tank filter will cause the tank to "ring" electronically. The signal oscillates in the tank, and, because it's the fo for that tank, some maximum amplitude (gain) will be attained. The signal is then coupled out. Other signals of a slightly different frequency will cause the tank to ring, but not as much. As a signal is put into the stage that is a bit higher or lower than the fo, it causes less oscillation, and it emerges at a lower amplitude. Notice that this applies to signals that are a bit above or a bit lower than the fo. The farther from the fo that a given signal is, the less oscillation it produces in the tank, and the less gain it will be given in that stage. Again (and it's worth repeating), signals both above and below the fo a given distance produce the same oscillation in the tank. That means the tank responds to both sides of the spectrum above and below the fo. Lastly, the tank can be "sharply tuned" or not. In a sharply tuned tank, the signals that are farther from fo cause little tank action, and those right around fo really get a lot of gain. In something less sharpely tuned, there is still a good bit of gain for frequencies higher or lower than the fo. We spoke of the tuning of the tank for a particular fo. Now we have to tune the tank for what is called quality (Q). This speaks to how "tightly" the tank is tuned. And we have to make a trade. If we want a lot gain at fo and little else, high Q is the way to go. There will be a ton of gain at fo, and the gain for frequencies above and below will drop like a rock. In a less tightly tuned tank, there will be better gain for the frequencies around fo, but not as great a gain for the fo itself as there would be in a high Q tank. That's the trade. Narrow tuning yields greater gain for the fo and lower "bandpass" while broader tuning will pass "more frequencies" (have a higher band pass) but with lower gain at and right around the fo than a high Q tank.

Related questions

Who is gil from Monster High?

Gil is Lagoona Blue's boyfriend. He is in Fresh water and Lagoona lives in the sea. Gil has a web hanging over on his head with a tank filled with water that is fresh so he can breathe out in public. His actual dressing is a black suit but for skull shores he wears a black tank top swim suit with black trunks.

How do you kill the serpents after Arthur's Tomb in Lara Croft's Legend?

You cannot kill the snake monster directly by shooting at it so do not waste your time and ammo. Do not let its size scare you! There are four tanks in the water with a lever each. You have to approach each tank and shoot it. The monster will hear the sound of the tank, be hypnotized and turn its head towards the cage that is hanging. You then have to quickly use the Grapple, catch the lever and pull it to lower the cage and hit the monster. You can understand that you made it correctly, and watch the monster destroying the tank. Since there are four tanks, you need to repeat the same procedure three more times. The monster not only attacks with its head, but it also spit toxic liquid. This takes some of your health, but also tosses Lara up. In case you lower the cage without a successful hit, do not stay to the spot and do not shoot the tank. The monster will not hear the noise while the cage goes up. You better go for another tank. When you make it, the cut scene will show the moster dying.

How many gallons of fuel does a monster truck's tank hold?


What are the release dates for Monster Garage - 2002 Belly Tank Lakester 3-13?

Monster Garage - 2002 Belly Tank Lakester 3-13 was released on: USA: 15 September 2004

How can you defeat the furnace in the Monster House Nintendo DS game?

you dont he is a tank

Where did the monster named squishington live in the animated series 'Bumped in the Night'?

in the toilet tank

Where did the monster named squishington live in the animated series 'bump in the night'?

in the toilet tank

How do you defeat the tank in the Monster Hous Nintendo DS game?

Shoot it in the balls idiot!

Where did the monster named squishington lived in the animated series 'bumped in the night'?

in the toilet tank

Where did monster squishington live in animated series bump in the night?

in the toilet tank

Oil in coolant tank?

Oil in the coolant tank indicates a head gasket leak.

Where can you buy a ten gallon tank?

in your head