because the ocean sponge gets bigger by absobing the sea water to stay alive
Sponges displace the ocean's water, and the water that they do "suck up" becomes part of their volume, and thus has no effect on the depth of the oceans. When you remove sponges, they will no longer displace water in the ocean, so the ocean will actually be shallower.
currents provide movement in times of little to no wind
Sea Sponges, They Absorb The Most Water Or Any Fluid And Synthetic Sponges Don't Have As Much Absorbency, Also They Don't Have As Many Holes.
Sponge diving, the act of retrieving living sponges from the ocean floor, started approximately 300 years ago, but the synthetic sponge was first developed by three nameless engineers of the Du Pont company, the same company who also invented nylon, in the 1942. Du Pont later sold their processing secrets to General Mills in 1952.
yes sea sponges.
yes, otherwise they would be extinct. No, but babies sometimes have ocean sponges.
They depend on the constant waterflow of the ocean through their bodies to obtain food and oxygen and remove wastes.
sponges are use in washing plates,glass of water.some sponges are in/on salted water on the ocean floor.
Sponges displace the ocean's water, and the water that they do "suck up" becomes part of their volume, and thus has no effect on the depth of the oceans. When you remove sponges, they will no longer displace water in the ocean, so the ocean will actually be shallower.
sponges are naturally grown in the ocean floor and then harvested and dried to be used.
in the ocean
Animals that live in the ocean.
Spongebob Squarepants
Sponges in the ocean can live up to 200 years old. They are primary produces and give off more oxygen than they take in.
Sponges are classified as "animals" of the phylum Porifera. However, they have several characteristics in common with plants. Most have no specialized tissues or organs, and depend on the flow of sea water to provide oxygen and nutrients.