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So as to focus attention on their hands which are very important during the mime.

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So you aren't distracted by the rest of their body

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Q: Why do clowns wear white gloves?
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Why do Yakko Wakko and Dot wear gloves but Rita doesn't?

A) Yakko, Wakko and Dot were drawn to life in the era when cartoons wearing white gloves was popular. B) Rita is a stray cat, looking for a home. Why would she wear white gloves?

What is a clown?

A Clown is a entertainer (Usually for kids) who dresses up in bright clothes, big shoes and usually wears wig or a oversized/undersized hat.Makeup: Whiteface Clowns wear a full white face with a red nose and red highlighted cheecks. Auguste Clowns wear whit only around their eyes and sometimes their mouth and have rouge colored faces. Hobo Clowns are rugged looking with a beard and a red nose and white around the mouth and eyes to represent soot being wiped away.Types of Clowns: The Whiteface is the leader of the pack (the boss) , the Auguste is the crazy/silly clown who always gets things wrong and the hobo is the one everyone feels sorry for but is full of life.Clown Jobs:Circus Clowns: There clowns entertain in the circus and work as a groupPrivate Party Clowns: These are your kids party clowns and they have skills such as magic shows, balloons and face paintingBuskers: These clowns walk around and make fools of themselves

What are the release dates for A Fool's Idea - 2009 Why Do Clowns Wear Big Red Noses 1-5?

A Fool's Idea - 2009 Why Do Clowns Wear Big Red Noses 1-5 was released on: USA: 4 March 2012

Is palatka dirty?

wear gloves,an condams

What did Shackleton and his crew wear on the endurance?

They used to wear Fur in there gloves and boots

Related questions

Why does sonic wear white gloves?

why does sonic wear white gloves i don't know why.

Why did the Japanese army wear white gloves?

They didn't wear white gloves normally. It was ceremonial.

What kind of gloves does Edward Elric wear?

some white gloves coolio gloves me wants it♥

Does Michael Jackson wear white gloves in Thriller?


Why do Yakko Wakko and Dot wear gloves but Rita doesn't?

A) Yakko, Wakko and Dot were drawn to life in the era when cartoons wearing white gloves was popular. B) Rita is a stray cat, looking for a home. Why would she wear white gloves?

What gloves does Miles Austin wear?

Why does it even matter dude? (But, he wears blue gloves at home and white ones away.)

Amy Vanderbilt when do southern women wear white gloves?

It is appropriate to wear formal white gloves to a formal or semi-formal event, such as weddings, proms, ballroom dances, teas, fashion shows, and last but not least, for the King of all Kings on Sunday morning. It is not appropriate to wear formal white gloves to a casual or sporting event, unless it is the Kentucky Derby. Just because you are an 80 year old Southern lady, you should not wear gloves to reflect this idea; you will instead appear to be an 80 year old senile lady living in the past. Wear gloves for the occasion, not for the pretense!

What does excl wear on RuneScape?

Excl wears: Top- Varrock Body 3 Legs- White Platelegs Boots- White Boots Gloves- White Gloves Cape+Hood- Quest Skill Cape

Do clowns wear hats?

yes they do

Are white gloves appropriate for a summer, semi-formal wedding?

White gloves are considered appropriate attire for a summer wedding if you so desire. Don't wear opera length gloves unless you have a strapless or sleeveless gown though.

What is the jacket you wear during fencing?

The jacket that you wear during fencing, is a white shirt with gloves, and a helmet. That's what people wear during fencing.

When do you wear white gloves with Marine Corp dress blues Does it make a difference if you are wearing medals or ribbons?

The gloves are only worn during ceremonies.