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The birds needed a place to perch because the martians destroyed the buildings. It also showed that the Tripods had no shields on.

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Q: Why did the war of worlds birds fly towards the alien machines?
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Is it normal to have larva coming out of baby birds?

it completely alien for that to happen

Where can you get an Angry Birds plush toy?

Walmart, in crane machines, or the internet(

What is a bald eagle and a humming bird alike?

well they are both worlds scientific birds of a america

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there are some birds that are pretty aggressive towards other animals so they just chose pigs to be the target.

Are there such things as alien birds?

Yes, the starlings of North America are all descended from a single pair brought from England in the mid-1800.

What inspired the flying machine?

lots of people wanted to fly like birds. that's why people were inventing this kind of machines.

What is a problem about the bold eagles?

Their acts of bravery towards their fellow birds often leads to their demise

What can birds do instead of going hibernate?

They can migrate to different regions. The birds in the Northern hemisphere go south during winter. The birds in the Southern hemisphere go north during winter. They migrate towards the equator.

What was the worlds forst tv commercial for?

It was for Gibbs SR toothpaste. The first TV advert in colour was for Birds Eye frozen peas.

Do birds go towards light?

because they interact and think the light is day time and think that food

What is the next angry bird?

So far they have released Angry Birds, Angry Birds:Seasons (including Christmas, Halloween, Valentines, St Patricks Day, and Moon Festival. All have been released seperately), Angry Birds: Rio (based on the animated feature). Most recently, rovio has released Angry Birds Space, a version in which you use gravitational pulls to affect the birds' flight. Released originally with only 2 worlds, new updates are being released with new worlds infrequently. No information has been released regarding a successor to Angry Birds Space.

What are some good apps for your ipod touch?

These are my faves angry birds i pint alien milk contract killer pacman grand theft auto iv