They wore wigs because it was the style back then. But they also thought that showers were unnecessary so that caused them to get lice. After that they would shave their wigs and have to wear wigs.
It looks as if they wear wigs or lots of extensions.
John Hancock and other people wore wigs because most of the people back then couldn't and didn't wash there hair. {:>)
Not all the time, but it is very common for female celebrities to wear wigs now and then. In the case of Lady Gaga or Nicki Minaj, it's part of their act. But other female artists may wear a wig sometimes if they were on the road and didn't get time to get their hair done. We do have some evidence this was the case for Whitney Houston.
because lesbians have a special chromosome in their bodies that attracts them to massively giant wigs.
Judges in the past wore white wigs as a symbol of authority and impartiality. The tradition dates back to the 17th century, when wigs were fashionable among the upper class. The wigs also helped create a sense of anonymity for judges to make fair and unbiased decisions.
Yes, they do wear wigs and they still will.
cos they like the colour back then and made them look posh
Yes she wears wigs.
They used the powder to get a white or off white color. Later they had developed ways of getting white wigs. The was a tax on wig powder that ended the style. Men shaved their heads and were powdered wigs because of lice, fleas, bedbugs etc...
Most of the Commonwealths only wear wigs for ceremonial occasions, which is rare.
I HATE wigs. i feel.....itchie
did hager twins ware wigs
People wear wigs for different purposes, to cover untidy hair do, to disguise one's self and to look beautiful. There are even reasons to wear wigs for religious and other ceremonial purposes. In the British Courts of Law, both Barristers and Judges wear wigs.
In courtrooms, judges and barristers in some countries may wear white wigs as a traditional part of their formal dress. This attire is common in countries with a legal system derived from the British tradition, such as the United Kingdom.
she didn't wear wigs!! she had black hair.
george washinton