She forgot to carry Madame Zeroni up the mountain because he was to sad because he didn't get chosen to marry Elya.
a pig that was the runt of the litter.
it was Madam Zeroni because Elya didn't carry Madam Zeroni up the mountain as he promised.
Oh, dude, that's a super specific question. The woman sitting behind Hector in "Holes" is actually Madame Zeroni's great-great-granddaughter, who helps Stanley Yelnats IV carry Hector Zeroni up the mountain. So, technically, her name is not explicitly mentioned in the book, but she's definitely there, doing her thing. Like, she's part of the whole "carry Hector up the mountain" squad.
shes funny ----------------------------------- she had dark skin and a very wide mouth
It stopped raining in the book because of the curse of his great great great grandfather when he didn't come back to carry madam Zeroni up the mountain.
a pig that was the runt of the litter.
Yes, because he forgot to carry Madame Zeroni up the mountain.
it was Madam Zeroni because Elya didn't carry Madam Zeroni up the mountain as he promised.
Oh, dude, that's a super specific question. The woman sitting behind Hector in "Holes" is actually Madame Zeroni's great-great-granddaughter, who helps Stanley Yelnats IV carry Hector Zeroni up the mountain. So, technically, her name is not explicitly mentioned in the book, but she's definitely there, doing her thing. Like, she's part of the whole "carry Hector up the mountain" squad.
shes funny ----------------------------------- she had dark skin and a very wide mouth
It stopped raining in the book because of the curse of his great great great grandfather when he didn't come back to carry madam Zeroni up the mountain.
Elya Yelnats went to America to seek his fortune and greater economic opportunity.
Elya refused to choose a number to win Myra's hand in marriage because he made a promise to his friend, Madame Zeroni, that he would carry her up a mountain to drink from a specific stream in exchange for her help. Elya believed breaking the promise would bring a curse upon his family, so he chose not to participate in the competition.
In the novelization "Holes", Elya Yelnats, the Latvian great great grandfather of Stanley Yelnats IV, fell in love with Myra Menke at the age of fifteen. He asks her father for her hand in marriage since he wanted his daughter to be married once she herself had become fifteen. Her father wanted a fat pig in exchange. Stanley goes to Madame Zeroni for advice, which she gladly gives. She instructs him to take one of her pigs, the smallest of the herd, and carry it to the top of a mountain everyday. On top of this mountain there is a stream. The pig must drink from this stream and as it does so, Elya must sing the following song: "If only, if only," the woodpecker sighed, "The bark on the trees was as soft as the skies. The wolf waits below, hungry and lonely And cries to the moon "If only, if only." Each day as he does this, both he and the pig will grow in size, the pig growing fatter and Elya stronger. However, once he is finished with the pig, young Elya Yelnats must then carry Madame Zeroni up the mountain and sing to her as she drinks from the stream. The last day that he had to carry the pig up the mountain just so happened to be Myra Menke's fifteenth birthday. Elya being as excited as he was forgot to carry the pig for the last time, so when he brought it to Myra's father it weighed the exact same amount as the pig Igor, another suitor, had brought to her father. The father, being unable to decide, left the decision to his daughter. This excited Elya once more. He was sure that she would choose him over the middle-aged obese man that was Igor. The girl said "I'll marry whoever guesses the closest number to mine between one and ten." Igor said ten... Elya said nothing. He knew Myra did not love him. Enraged and brokenhearted, Elya Yelnats left the country for America, forgetting all about carrying Madame Zeroni up the mountain, thus leaving him and all of his descendants cursed for all of eternity.
it is about curses because one of stanleys grandfathers forgets to carry madam zeroni up the mountain so he gets cursed zero and stanley have a friendship
Carry Me Across the Mountain was created in 2000.
The name of the grandfather who cursed the Yelnats family in the book "Holes" by Louis Sachar is Elya Yelnats. He was cursed by Madam Zeroni for not keeping his promise to carry her up the mountain and sing to her.