It can't but because it barely sweats (like a camel), it can survive for a day or so without water, whereas a horse will sweat copiously under the same conditions. This is because, like the camel, the donkey has evolved to live in a dry climate. A donkey should be given water ad lib at least once a day.
A young foal drink their mother's milk. As the donkey ages, it drink water. Donkeys do not prefer hot water or freezing cold water.
Yes, donkeys are about as watertight as it can get. This is made by a thin wall of hair and dead cells on the outside of their body. And so when water comes into contact with a donkey it will just roll off. Yes sir if you are looking for waterproof clothing go no where else. Get your donkey skin coat and you will never go wrong
No, a donkey can not live in a gorilla's armpit. The donkey would need food, water, and fresh air. None of those are found in an armpit, and the donkey is far to big.
Well, when i go to Spain, I vist a donkey sanctuary when we go there we feed the baby donkeys things like carrots, an apples. But Don't give them anything that you wouldn't eat! :P
I'd put him in a barn, and feed him some corn. He'd be the best donkey that ever was born.
Donkey Needs water,foods and shelter to suvive
never human does not without water
A young foal drink their mother's milk. As the donkey ages, it drink water. Donkeys do not prefer hot water or freezing cold water.
A giraffe can go several weeks without drinking water. They can actually last longer without water than a camel or even a rat.
1 day without water.
100 days without food or water
Yes, donkeys are about as watertight as it can get. This is made by a thin wall of hair and dead cells on the outside of their body. And so when water comes into contact with a donkey it will just roll off. Yes sir if you are looking for waterproof clothing go no where else. Get your donkey skin coat and you will never go wrong
Go to any local vet and say you want your donkey to be nuetered. that's it =)
The Camel stores the water in his humps so he can go a long time without water.
No. You can go only 2 or 3 days without water and 20 days without food; after that, you would die.
Donkey kong
If a person goes without water and food, they will die first from dehydration. So do not go a whole day without drinking water. Then after you drink some water, have something to eat.