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Mules are hybrid offspring of a male donkey (Jack) and a female horse (mare) Mules have 63 chromosomes, this odd number causes the vast majority to be born sterile. however it should be noted that female mules can reproduce, but this is very uncommon.

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This is due to the fact that donkeys have 62 chromosomes while the horse has 64 chromosomes. This difference causes the offspring to be unable to reproduce offspring.

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Q: Why can't a mule reproduce?
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What is the offspring between a horse and a donkey?

A Mule. Although they cant reproduce with other mules, they are strong and capable.

A mule is not sterile?

A male mule is always sterile, however , rarely, a female mule will be able to reproduce.

Can a mule repreduce?

A Mule cannot reproduce. It would need more DNA of a Horse and of a Donkey to make a Mule.

When you beed a mule with a horse?

You cannot breed a mule. Mules are not able to reproduce. A mule is the result of a horse and a Donkey.

Is it the female mule that can't reproduce?

All male mules and most female mules are infertile.

An animal that cannt reproduce?

female mule

Why is it a genetic thing that muels cant have babies?

because a mule comes from a female horse and a male donkey, which are two different species, the mule will be sterile. This is because it is a general rule that if two animals of different species have offspring, their offspring will not be able to reproduce

Can burros reproduce?

They do but it is very uncommon because they tend to live wildly in different areas. When they do successfully mate (in America), a wild mule is born.

What is the off spring called of a female donkey and a male horse?

A Mule. Mules are also sterile. (Unable to reproduce)

The mule a cross between horse and donkey is an example of what?

The horse x donkey produces the mule. The mule is an example of a hybrid:Interesting fact-the mule is born sterile (unable to reproduce). The only way to get a mule is the horse x donkey.

Is a mule a tetrad?

No a mule is not a tetrad, this is due to the fact that the mule has 63 chromosomes. Mules are a hybrid between the horse and the donkey, and are unable to reproduce due to the uneven number of chromosomes.

Can I Cross a stud mule with a mare horse?

No you cant as mules are infertile, however, in very very rare cases female mules (also known as Hinnies) can reproduce, 1 in a million chance of this happening but males are 100% infertile.