because this series is so totally awesome that it was translated to 80 different languages
better than twilight and HP combined!
Without knowing if you mean the first or second movie or both combined, the number of people who have purchased the Percy Jackson movie[s] since its[their]release in 2010/2013 is incalculable. The only available sales numbers are from 2011 where 2,087,368 DVD had sold for $37 million in sales for the first movie.
There are many different places where people can view DVD covers online. The world's largest CD cover and DVD cover archive is an online website called Cdcovers.
if u mean the movie yeah sea of monsters come out in 2012 if u mean the books, yeah rick Riordan is writing a series called heroes of Olympus and they come out on october 12,2010 and on his blog ( ) he says familiar demigods, hopefully maning Percy <3
Manhole covers are used for many things. Manhole covers are used to cover up holes in the ground where sewage can be found in order to protect people.
There will be only 5 Percy Jackson movies because there is only 5 books. But, Rick Riordan has mentioned the new book The Lost Hero coming out about camp half-blood. It doesn't have Percy in it but it's got a lot to do with him; he gets mentioned a lot. He said Annabeth and Grover will be in it though.
There are many different Percy Jackson forums, most of which are very good. Please see the Related Link(s) below for some forums.
Percy Jackson got two and a half stars.
There is only one Percy Jackson movie so far: Percy Jackson and the Olympians The Lightning Thief.
The Percy Jackson movie has a runtime of approximately 118 minutes.
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson has many enemies, such as monsters. However, his deathly enemy is Kronos, the evil Titan. His also arch rival and enemy is Luke, who works for Kronos throughout the Percy Jackson series.
about 200
It depends on which book, there are many.
The 5th Percy Jackson book, "The Last Olympian," has around 381 pages.
Too many to count. PERCY RULES!
It depends on what book, considering that Percy has been to many schools.