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One: Because there is no air.

Two: Because there is more pressure in our bodies than in space so the suit keeps the pressure on the outside of us equal to the inside

hope this helps :)
Because there is no air in space. This means that unless you wear a pressurized suit you die.

Also because there are no air molecules so there is little air pressure. They need a balance in pressure to survive because like on Earth our bodies and the air outside them balance one another. So they wear these in order to live have the balance in pressure.

If the pressure of atmosphere is changed suddenly, the blood vessels in our body will burst due to the pressure of the blood and other fluids inside. This is why astronauts have to wear special pressurized suits-there is no air and, therefore, no air pressure in space.
Astronauts wear space suits because it protects them from the pressure and temperature in the vacuum of space. It provides an atmosphere similar to Earth's including oxygen and nitrogen. It provides water and the diaper handles waste. If they did not wear a space suit then this would mean they would die. However, this is because they wouldnt be able to breath so that they would not be able to breath in the oxygen they need to keep them alive.

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10y ago
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7y ago

There is not atmosphere in space, so there is not pressure, and your body would explode without a suit applying artificial pressure. Also you wouldn't be protected in any way from solar radiation and would probably fry. Of course you also need the oxygen the suit provide to breathe. I WANNA BE IN NASA. I love science c:
We humans are evolved to live on the surface of the earth where their is air pressure and oxygen. Space does not have these, so astronauts need to wear a suit that replicates the conditions on the earth's surface in order to survive the vacuum of space. The human body is built to exist and function with a constant pressure of about 14.6 pounds inward on every square inch of it. Which in turn means that most all of the soft tissues and fluids inside the body exert an outward pressure of about 14.6 pounds per square inch.

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12y ago

There's very few particles (like air, etc) in space so there's much less pressure than the human body is used to.

This is a problem because the insides of our body exert outward pressure. In our natural environment these two forces balance out. This might be over-explaining, but imagine two people are pushing on different sides of an object (say a door.) As long as they are about equal strength, the door will remain closed--but if one of them jumps out of the way suddenly, the door will burst open and that person will come tumbling into the other room.

(Have you heard that a balloon will pop if it gets too high? That's because, as the atmosphere thins, it exerts less pressure while the force of the inside air remains the same.)

I'm not sure astronauts would pop the same way a balloon would, but they couldn't survive.

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11y ago

Multiple reasons:

1. There's no air in space, so they need to suit to provide air to them, and to keep them at the right atmospheric pressure.

2. It's freakin' freezing in space, so the need the suit to keep them warm.

3. They need something to contain their excrement when they defecate themselves when they're floating in space.

4. Where else are you gonna wear a space suit?
Astronauts wear special suits that keep them from exploding into the vacuum of space.

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13y ago

In space, there is a vacuum that does no have the proper molecules to sustain human life. Human require oxygen, as well as a plethora of various compounds that make up earth's atmosphere. Space simply does not contain such elements.

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14y ago

Since the pressure of the air on earth is always about 14.6 pounds per square inch, human

bodies are built to maintain an internal pressure of 14.6 pounds per square inch pushing out,

which balances the pressure pushing in, and prevents the body from being squashed like a


Space travel is kind of a recent development. It may last a while, or it may be a fad that

doesn't last long. In any case, the human body hasn't decided to do without pressure yet.

Breathing only works when there's pressure to push air into the lungs, so if an astronaut

is hooked on the breathing habit and wants to keep doing it during his space-walk, then

he needs a supply of pressurized air. Also, it's been found that astronauts have a much

easier time moving around and handling their tools during a space walk if their bodies

are not blown up like balloons, which is what would happen if there were no external

pressure to balance the internal pressure that their bodies insist on maintaining. So

they need external pressure to keep them in their customary shape.

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13y ago

Spacesuits provide oxygen and temperature regulation.

Contrary to popular belief, you will not explodein the vacuum of the space. Vacuum is simply a lack of anything. This reduced pressure causes the skin to swell to accommodate the lowered pressure surroundings (on the earth, the density of air presses on the skin). The skin is exceptionally elastic and stretches to well above twice its normal size in such a situation.

This situation occurred to a NASA astronaut who had a failure in his glove, causing his hand to become exposed to the vacuum of space. He did not realize it had happened until he went back inside the Shuttle Orbiter, by which time his hand had swollen twice its normal size. His had recovered completely by the time he had returned to earth.

Also, several cosmonauts died during re-entry during a pressurization failure above 150 kilometers altitude, and their bodies were not disfigured. Indeed, the recovery crews thought they were asleep on first sight.

If exposed to the vacuum of space, the boiling point of an exposed fluid (such as blood, or saliva) drops drastically. This would cause problems for an unsuited astronaut. Again, this actually happened during testing. A subject was accidentally exposed to a vacuum in a test chamber. The last thing the subject remembered was blacking out, with the feeling of the saliva on his tongue boiling. He quickly made a full recovery.

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15y ago

The astronaut can die of rapid decompression.

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7y ago

Astronauts need spacesuits because the environment in space is very unlike Earth. Spacesuits regulate pressure, temperature, and supply breathable air so the astronauts can survive.

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The suit allows the person to walk in outer space, because the suit is designed to with stand the extreme heat and cold of outer space.

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An astronaut needs a space suit that will allow him or her to stay safe in zero gravity. The astronaut also needs a camera that will record images from outer space.

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All parts of a space suit are important, if any part fails it can lead to the death of the astronaut.

What items will you take to travel to outer space?

A space suit, a really good spacecraft, and astronaut food.

How does a space suit help you in space?

Because space is a vacuum, there is no matter in it- no air, no oxygen, no water, etc. Therefore, the sun's temperature effects are very great upon the human body. A space suit provides oxygen for the astronaut to breathe, and it maintains an okay temperature for the astronaut.

Why might an astronaut need to carry out a space walk?

For Multiple reasons. 1) There is no air, therefore the astronaut must wear the suit, or rather the suit's helmet to breathe. 2) It protects him from physical damage when handling volatile or dangerous substances/ objects.