The duration of Ghost Hunters is 2700.0 seconds.
no she's not. she was on ghi last year but not any more.
It depends on then Ghost Hunters that are doing the investigation.
The duration of Ghost Hunters International is 2700.0 seconds.
it is q&a
no cuz she sux
Adam Berry was 2011's Ghost Hunters Academy winner and was added on to the Ghost Hunters team.
The duration of Ghost Hunters is 2700.0 seconds.
It depends on then Ghost Hunters that are doing the investigation.
no she's not. she was on ghi last year but not any more.
Ghost Hunters was created on 2004-10-06.
You can see in on Ghost Hunters or Ghost Hunters International
The duration of Ghost Hunters Academy is 2700.0 seconds.
There is a TV programme called Ghost Hunters it is on skylivinit
Ghost Hunters International was created on 2008-01-09.
Ghost Hunters Academy ended on 2010-07-07.
Ghost Hunters Academy was created on 2009-11-11.