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If one analyzes the cartoon, as I did, she really doesn"t have any unless one wants to count Prince Eric, the latter-day Viking. stop and think, she is in hot water (no pun intended) with her Father, is apparently Motherless, falls in with bad company and Black Magic-The sea witch, called Ursula in the cartoon, and really doesn"t have any friends in either Atlantis or topside, except her Paramour. I really don"t think it is healthy stuff for young kids-and it does escalate into violence!

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Q: Who was the little mermaids love?
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What is little mermaids phrase?

in the sea

What is the name of little mermaids lover?

little um... jyot.

What movies have mermaids who fall in love?

Little Mermaid- which also introduces the race-mixing theme to kiddyland where it does not belong. I thought the South Pacific was the Last Spike- pun intended!

What is the little mermaids' name?

Aerial. But it's spelled "Ariel."

Was the little mermaids mother caught and cooked?

no! :0 -looks doubtful- who r you?

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Mermaids aren't real, I'm afraid.

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Did Lord Voldemort love mermaids?

Of course not you idiot

What is the name of little mermaids lover?

little um... jyot.

Little mermaids statue is in which city?

Copenhagen, Denmark

What color is the little mermaids hair?

Bright red.

Do mermaids really exists.Is there any fossils of mermaids have been found?

There are no mermaids and there are certainly no fossils of them. They are a superstitious hangover from the past when people knew very little about the natural world.

How do little girls turn into real mermaids?

They can't. Mermaids do not exist in real life and it is impossible to change into a different creature.

What is the name of the little mermaids villain?


What movies have mermaids who fall in love?

Little Mermaid- which also introduces the race-mixing theme to kiddyland where it does not belong. I thought the South Pacific was the Last Spike- pun intended!