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Q: Who was the actor Kevin in the movie A Fish Called Wanda?
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What is Kevin Kline's best movie?

The Ice Storm, Fish Called Wanda, Dave, The Big Chill

Who did Kevin Kline play in the movie A Fish called Wanda?

Kevin Kline played Otto, Wanda's psychotic boyfriend. He has no last name. He also tortures K-K-K-Ken about his fish.

What actor played a character called prot?

That would be Kevin Spacey in the movie K-PAX.

Was there a sequel to the movie A Fish Called Wanda?

No, there was not. However there was another movie with almost all of the same cast member called Fierce Creatures (1997). It also stars John Cleese, Kevin Kline, Jamie Lee Curtis and Michael Palin, but the roles they play are different from A Fish Called Wanda.

How is Kevin Flynn different from the movie tron legacy?

Kevin Flynn is an actor and Tron: Legacy is a movie

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Kevin Corrigan

What was the name of the fish in the 1988 movie starring John Cleese?

You are talking about the 1988 movie A Fish Called Wanda, starring Jamie Lee Curtis, John Cleese, Kevin Kline, and Michael Palin. Jamie Lee Curtis plays Wanda, and Michael Palin's character, Ken, is a chronic stutterer and aquarium owner. He is so in love with Wanda that he names one of his fish after her.

Who is the male actor in the movie Tron?

Jeff Bridges as Kevin Flynn .

Which entourage actor played John densmore in the doors movie?

Kevin dillon

What actor was in the movie Seven?

Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman and Kevin Spacey all starred in the movie 'Seven'.

What is the boy's name from the movie home alone?

Assuming you are talking about the leading role, it would be Kevin.

What postscript to a literary work describes the fate of the characters?

Like the last few minutes of the John Cleese movie "A Fish Called Wanda". Like the last few minutes of the John Cleese movie "A Fish Called Wanda".