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Q: Who was Australian Council of Trade Unions President in 2001?
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What is the state of unions in South Africa today?

Assuming you mean their trade and labor unions, their trade unions are recognized within the 1996 Constitution of South Africa, which provides for the right to join trade unions, and for unions to collectively bargain and strike. This has translated into the Labour Relations Act which established the working framework for both unions and employers. Three institutions have also been created to further the goals of reducing industrial relations conflict, and both eliminating unfair discrimination and redressing past discrimination in the workplace: the National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC), the Labour Court, and the Council for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA). With the creation of the Federation of Unions of South Africa (FEDUSA) from the merger of the Federation of South African Labour Unions (FEDSAL) and several smaller unions in 1997, the three main union organizations were established. COSATU, with a membership of 1.8 million, is followed by FEDUSA with 560,000 members and NACTU with almost 400,000 members including the powerful mineworkers union. All three are affiliated with the International Trade Union Confederation.

Types of trade unions in South Africa?

There are numerous types of trade unions that are in South Africa. Some of the trade unions are Air Line Pilotsâ?? Association of South Africa, Amalgamated Union of Building Trade Workers, and Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union.

What Groups about trade unions in Saint Lucia?

What are the names of trade unions in St.Lucia Trade Unions in St. Lucia are the St. Lucia Seamen Waterfront & General Trade Union, St. Lucia National Workers Union, St. Lucia Teachers Union,

How did trade unions contribute towards political transformation in south Africa?


What is Trade union reform?

to break up trade unions, this will increase employment because employees have less demands of the quality of their work

Related questions

When was Central Council of Trade Unions created?

Central Council of Trade Unions was created in 1921.

Does ACTU stand for Australian capital of trade unions?

No. ACTU stands for the Australian Council of Trade Unions. It is the national organisation that represents Australian workers.

What has the author Clifford B Donn written?

Clifford B. Donn has written: 'The Australian trade union movement and uranium mining' 'The Australian Council of Trade Unions' -- subject(s): Australian Council of Trade Unions, Industrial relations, Labor unions

What does ACTU stand for?

Perhaps "Australian Council of Trade Unions"

What do the letters ACTU atnd for?

Australian Council of Trade Unions

What do he letters actu stand for?

Australian Council of Trade Unions.

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Vanuatu Council of Trade Unions was created in 1985.

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Council of Nordic Trade Unions was created in 1972.

When was National Council of Trade Unions created?

National Council of Trade Unions was created in 1986.

When was New Zealand Council of Trade Unions created?

New Zealand Council of Trade Unions was created in 1987.

When was Fiji Islands Council of Trade Unions created?

Fiji Islands Council of Trade Unions was created in 2002-08.

When was Central Council of United Trade Unions created?

Central Council of United Trade Unions was created on 1944-05-01.