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The actual characters. They sing it. Although Ferb has two different voices. His speaking voice and his singing voice.

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Q: Who sings the songs on fineas and ferb?
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Dan Povenmire voices for Doofenshmirtz.

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His brother is Vincent martella he 17 he plays fineas on fineas and ferb and also is greg in everybody hates chris

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The song is sung by, like many other songs, Danny Jacob.

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Melanty Weleanor sings "The Only Fish For Me" from Phineas and Ferb.

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I think "Bowling for soup" do it cause you can see that it is there style and the voice of the main singer can be recognized when you listen to there other songs.

What episode in Phineas and Ferb show extended songs?

you can see the extended music videos for phineas and ferb songs on phineas and ferb's musical cliptastic countdown or you could find them on itunes.

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Danny Jacob

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Who sings the phineaus and ferb theme tune?

Bowling for soup

Is weird al singing Phineas and Ferb?

Bowling for Soup does most of the Phineas and Ferb Songs.

Who sings thank you santa Claus from Phineas and Ferb?

Mitchel musso

Why does ferb not talk?

Ferb talks occasionally and sings most of the songs. In Candace loses her head, he said "Well, it was definitely better than the gorilla in the cake." He also said in Are you my mummy "did you know mummys have there brains pulled out of there nose?" Ferb sang spa day, backyard beach and the paper pelicon. By Josie Ball.