Jay North played the child, "Dennis", in Dennis the Menace.
Jay North played Dennis the Menace on the original TV series. Mason Gamble played Dennis on the big-screen movie adaptation.
Jay North, later a US Navy man.
Mason Gamble was Dennis Mitchell .
Dennis the Menace (1993) Mr. Wlison Walter Matthau
Jay North played the child, "Dennis", in Dennis the Menace.
Jay North played Dennis the Menace on the original TV series. Mason Gamble played Dennis on the big-screen movie adaptation.
Jay North, later a US Navy man.
Alice Mitchell...played in the 1993 "Dennis the Menace" movie by Lea Thompson.
Mason Gamble was Dennis Mitchell .
Jay North, later a Navy Man, played the live action, Dennis The Menace.
Jay North (born August 3, 1951) who played in the role of Dennis the Menace is still alive .
Dennis the Menace (1993) Mr. Wlison Walter Matthau
Mason Gamble .
Dennis the Menace was a fictional character.
Jay North .
Do you mean "Dennis" and "Menace" as in "Dennis the Menace"? Well the English words that rhymes with Dennis and Menace are: Tennis Venice