The boy's name is just given as Max. He was portrayed by Cayden Boyd.
(The 2005 3-D movie "The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl" was directed by Robert Rodriguez, who also did the "Spy Kids" movies.)
Taylor Lautner plays Sharkboy in The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D. The movie came out in 2005, and was directed by Robert Rodriguez.
Shark Boy and Lava Girl
13 +
The character, Edward Cullen, is found in the movie series Twilight. Edward Cullen is a vampire who falls in love with a normal girl. The Twilight series of films was based of the successful books of the same name.
The Minister of Spring in Tinkerbell is a boy :)
The Grudge gender depends on what movie. There is a grudge boy and girl. For example, there is the boy from the grudge from one of the scary movies. And the girl in one of the original ones.
Taylor Dooley
Taylor Dooley
he played as shark boy in shark boy and lava girl
shark boy and lava girl
shark boy and lava girl
The only cartoon shark I can think of is Jabber Jaws.......and he was pretty funny if you ask me!
Shark Boy and Lava Girl
Taylor Dooley was 12 in Shark boy and Lava girl.
no, Taylor lautner and Taylor dooley were friends at te time of the movie
Yes Shark Boy and Lava Girl
13 +