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Android 18 because he can't marry a real human girl because his is short

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Q: Who does krillin marry?
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Who is stronger Neji or krillin?

definatly krillin

Does krillin have a nose?

There is no specific reason given as to why Krillin doesn't have a nose. Toriyama was asked about it, and just said that Krillin has an abnormality that allows him to breathe through his skin.

Is krillin married to android18?

he is

How did krillin die against freiza?

Krillin didn't die fighting Frieza, but when Goku turned into a Super Sayin Gohan refused to leave Namek and leave Goku there Krillin said 'Come on Gohan, this is Goku's fight and we need to leave now' then Frieza levitated Krilin into the air and Krillin yelled 'GOK- and before he could even say another word Frieza blew him up.

Who does No18 love in Dragon Ball Z?


Related questions

Why did krillin marry 18?

he's into robots

Did krillin marry android 18?

Yes 18 marries Krillin and has a daughter named Marron

Does Shikamaru relate to Krillin in any some ways?

Shikamaru and Krillin do a bit. Krillin is lazy and so is Shikamaru. Krillin is wise just like Shikamaru. Shikamaru and Krillin do a bit. Krillin is lazy and so is Shikamaru. Krillin is wise just like Shikamaru. Shikamaru and Krillin do a bit. Krillin is lazy and so is Shikamaru. Krillin is wise just like Shikamaru.

When was Krillin created?

Krillin was created in 1985.

Who is stronger Neji or krillin?

definatly krillin

Does krillin have a nose?

There is no specific reason given as to why Krillin doesn't have a nose. Toriyama was asked about it, and just said that Krillin has an abnormality that allows him to breathe through his skin.

How many times does krillin die?

Krillin dies 4 time

How many times has Krillin died?

Krillin has died four times.

Why did krillin marry android 18?

Krillin fell in love with Android 18 after he saw her kinder side and realized she was not inherently evil. Over time, they developed a strong bond and mutual respect for each other, leading to their decision to get married.

Who is eighteen from dbz?

it is an android from the cell saga somehow krillin got here to marry him trunks from the future is 18 years old. the androids name is 18

How did tambourine kill krillin?

his kick made krillin have to much head tramua

Who is older Goku or Krillin?

Krillin is older it was explained in Dragonball while they trained with Master Roshi. Krillin is either 1 or 2 years older