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New Zealand was never 'conquered'. The first people to arrive were Polynesians in around 1100 a.d, who later became known as Moari. In the 1600's Dutch navigator Able Tasman viewed New Zealand but believed it to be part of a great Southern Continent and didn't stay. In the 1800's Captain Cook 'discovered' NZ on behalf of the King of England. Pakeha (European) Immigration began slowly in the 1800's; mostly whalers, sealers and a few farmers. The crown of England needed to be able to govern over their subjects in NZ and also wanted to prevent French interference in NZ. Maori in return wanted assurances from the crown that English people in NZ would behave justly, that France would not invade them and that the Queen would stop Pakeha taking over 'unused' Maori land. This culminated in the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840. Pakeha didn't keep to all the terms of the Treaty, and hence the Waitangi Tribunal that was set up in the 1990's to compensate Maori Iwi for unfair loss of land, forestries and fisheries.

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16y ago
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14y ago

The first indigenous settlers of New Zealand were the Maori people, who settled there between 1250-1300 AD. The first Westerner to discover New Zealand was Dutch explorer Abel Janszoon Tasman in 1642. Later in 1769, Captain James Cook, a British explorer, became the second Westerner to get to New Zealand. Cook's voyage initiated Britain's interest in New Zealand as a colony.

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15y ago

The Declaration of Independence of the Northern Tribes of New Zealand was signed in 1838 and established an independent state in international law. Following the signature of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in 1840, New Zealand effectively became a British colony. New Zealand formally became an independent Dominion within the British Empire (now Commonwealth of Nations) in the early 20th Century.

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17y ago

Sir Edmund Hillary

Edmund Hillary and his Sherpa guide Tensing Norgay were the first people to reach Earth's highest point: the summit of Mount Everest in the Himalayas.

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16y ago

New Zealand was put on the map by Captain James Cook who discovered it.

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14y ago

The Maori were the first inhabitants of New Zealand.

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11y ago

A country cannot be invented. The land now called New Zealand was first inhabited by native Aboriginal people.

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11y ago

Lieutenant James Cook (later Captain) first claimed New Zealand and Australia for Great Britain.

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12y ago

ever since they saw new zealand

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No. New Zealand is the only country in New Zealand. A kiwi is a small, nocturnal, flightless bird endemic to New Zealand.

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