In the original FF7 game, it's Sephiroth as the main villian, but you also have Jenova and the Shin-Ra company.
In Advent Children it is kadaj and loz and yazoo not many i think... oh and theres sephiroth too!
You are miss reading the roman numerals in the title of the game The collector's edition is for final fantasy XII or 12 and not Final Fantasy 7 Dirge of Cerberus which is a PS2 game from August 15, 2006
Actually, there is a movie about Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children. I saw it but I forgot if I saw it on the Internet. The stars are Cloud,Tifa, Denzel and many more. There is also Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within that came out before Advent Children. It doesn't have any of the characters from the games but is does have a slight relation to Final Fantasy 7.
Yes and you can find more about it if you play the PSP game Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core
Emerald Weapon
Final Fantasy 7 is written as Final Fantasy VII.
Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within Final Fantasy 7:dierge of ceberus
Final Fantasy 7 is for the PS1, but Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core is for the PSP and is a prequel to FF 7.
Final Fantasy X-7? no. there is Final Fantasy 10-2 which is the sequel to Final Fantasy 10 (and is the only actual sequel in all of the final fantasy games) and there is Final Fantasy 7, but there is no Final Fantasy x-7. the games may be made by the same people but do not relate to each other in anyway other then the fact they are Final Fantasy.
There are three movies, Final Fantasy spirit within, Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children, and Final Fantasy 7 Last Order
The main villian in Final Fantasy 7 is Sephiroth.
Final Fantasy XII & Final Fantasy 7 & Final Fantasy XIII-2 & Final Fantasy X & Final Fantasy VIII & Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Returns.P.s: My opinion.
Final Fantasy 7 did not have sprites. It was the first Final Fantasy game in which the characters were rendered in 3-D.
It was just called 'Final Fantasy 7'.
Final Fantasy 1 Final Fantasy 2 Final Fantasy 3 Final Fantasy 4 Final Fantasy 5 Final Fantasy 6 Final Fantasy 7 Final Fantasy 7 Dirge of Cerberus Final Fantasy 8 Final Fantasy 9 Final Fantasy 10 Final Fantasy 10-2 Final Fantasy 11 Final Fantasy 11 Wings of the Goddess Final Fantasy 11 Treasures of Ath Urghan Final Fantasy 11 Chains of Promethia Final Fantasy 12 Final Fantasy 13 Final Fantasy 14 Final Fantasy Tactics Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2 Final Fantasy tactics War of the Lions Final Fantasy Legend Final Fantasy Legend 2 Final Fantasy Legend 3 Final Fantasy Adventure Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Final Fantasy Anthology Final Fantasy Chronicles Final Fantasy Origins Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Final Fantasy Dawn of souls Final Fantasy 4 advance Final Fantasy Anniversary edition Final Fantasy 2 Anniversary edition Final Fantasy 12 Revenant wings Final Fantasy Dissida Final Fantasy versus 12 Final Fantasy agito 12
No. Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 13 are not connected storyline wise.