Jesus abraham joseph
Jewish answer: The false prophets, at long last, were silenced forever. They had predicted that no Destruction would take place. Also, the lure of idolatry finally weakened, since the Destruction and Exile happened exactly as predicted by the true Prophets, who were the same ones who had spoken ceaselessly against dabbling in idolatry.
Babylon is in Mesopotamia.
Ancient Iran invaded Babylon and the ruins of Babylon can be seen for the Summer Palace that belonged to Sadam. In the bible, Persia also invaded and conquered Babylon.
the stargazers of Babylon is the 11th Dynasty of Babylon which is CHALDEAN,,...thanks....Dianne Concepcion of II-Abraham..
Jesus abraham joseph
The Babylonian exile showed that the warnings of the Torah (Leviticus ch.26) were serious and were prophecies that had now come true, with all that that implies. The Babylonian exile exonerated the true prophets such as Jeremiah, and exposed the lies of the false prophets.
It takes place in Daniel Chapter 6. I don't know what the classification time would be from the viewpoint of the Israelis (such as the time of the Judges, the time of the Prophets) I think it was in the time of the prophets. It took place when the Israelites were in captivity under Babylon and King Nebuchadnezzar.
The only exile of Jews (Judah) occurred with Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. They were subjected to a 70 year captivity under the king of Babylon. You can read of this in the book of Jeremiah and other prophets. If you are referring to the exodus that included all 12 tribes of Israel, not just Judah it's self.
The book in the old testament before the book of Daniel is the book of Ezekiel. Both of these two are listed as major prophets in the bible. Both were taken into exile in Babylon.
The people of Isa real were repeatedly told by the prophets , to repent and keep gods order , like these people married nonbelievers and started worshiping their idols as well. Jeremiah told them they would be taken captive . And we see they were taken as slaves to Babylon. And only released when Cyrus captured Babylon.
Jewish answer: The false prophets, at long last, were silenced forever. They had predicted that no Destruction would take place. Also, the lure of idolatry finally weakened, since the Destruction and Exile happened exactly as predicted by the true Prophets, who were the same ones who had spoken ceaselessly against dabbling in idolatry.
Babylon was the capital of Babylonia.Capital of Babylon is Chaldean
Nebuchadnezzar's famous terraced gardens were built in Babylon.
Ezekiel and Daniel are called Exilic prophets because they prophesied during the time of the Israelite exile in Babylon. Their messages addressed the challenges faced by the Israelites during this period and provided hope for restoration and redemption. Their books contain a mix of prophecies about the exile, the eventual return to the Promised Land, and visions of future events.
Babylon is in Mesopotamia.