Punjabi/Urdu/Hindi Sheep; Beidd Goat; Bakara Camel; Uhnt Yak; Gah
The Lakota language had no native word meaning a domestic goat, since there was no such animal in their country before white settlers brought them - then the Lakotas used the same word that means pronghorn antelope or prairie antelope: tatokala.
In Kalispel (Flathead) a domestic he-goat is Łomenĕlchsh'in. This is again a word applied after the Flatheads first saw domestic goats - it really means a male mountain sheep.
In Navajo the word for a domestic goat is tł'izi - this really refers to the wild mountain goat.
In the Kanien'keha language of the Mohawks, the word for goat is kaya'takeras
There are about 450 Languages spoken in India and about 700 different Native American languages. But there is no such language as "Indian".
There are about 450 Languages spoken in India and about 700 different Native American languages. But there is no such language as "Indian".
There are about 450 Languages spoken in India and about 700 different Native American languages. But there is no such language as "Indian".
This is not originally a Malayalam word. This word has been derived from Sanskrit and also being used in other Indian languages. In English this means 'egoism'.
In the Kanien'keha language of the Mohawks, the word for goat is kaya'takeras
'Shwet, Subhra, Ujla, Safed' these words are used for 'white' in Indian languages.
There is no such language as Indian. If you are referring to India, there are 15 Official languages and 750 regional languages. If you mean Native America, there are also over 750 different languages.
There are many Indian languages. There are also many Native American languages. Which language do you mean?
There are several ways the word goat can be used in a sentence. One sentence with the word goat is " Henry had to feed the goat after school."
There are about 450 Languages spoken in India and about 700 different Native American languages. But there is no such language as "Indian".
There is no such language as "Indian". India has about 1500 languages, and there are more than 500 Native American languages.
chevre means 'goat'. it can also be used to mean 'goat's cheese'
There are about 450 Languages spoken in India and about 700 different Native American languages. But there is no such language as "Indian".
There are about 450 Languages spoken in India and about 700 different Native American languages. But there is no such language as "Indian".
There is no 'Indian' language. India has more than one language and Hindi is one of the most prominent languages being used in India. If you mean, what is word in Hindi for the English word Hope then it is Asha.Thanks
There is actually no such language as "Indian". If you are talking about Native American languages, there are more than 700 languages. If you would like a translation, you would need to specify which Indian language you are talking about.