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Q: Which type of figurative language is being used in the example flush or faunus?
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How can you use figurative language in a speech for racism?

by being a goog gir;

Does anyone know any good figurative language for something being obvious?

what about 'no S*it, Sherlock'?

What type of figurative language is the all seeing sun?

It is an example of personification, that is, describing an animal or inanimate object as if it had the properties of a human being. In this case, the author is treating the sun as if it a living creature with the capability of vision.

Which figurative language is the phrase but now loud victory returns at last?

It is personification. Victory is being given human characteristics.

What makes figurative language more appealing?

Have you've ever asked yourself: What is the difference between a funny story and a biography. Words. The choice of words is what makes the reader want to read. Look at the following sentences and tell me which is better:1) It was a rainy day. I was bored, depressed, and wanted to go outside to play like a regular being should, but here I was stuck under this roof reading. I wanted to go outside but it seemed to be raining for forever.2) It was raining cats and dogs today! I wanted to go out side so much. The playing equipment was calling me, the park was longing for me, my friends were beckoning me, but here I was, a dog stuck on a leash. Can't time just fly by like it usually does when I am having a good time?I put in bold all of the text that had figurative language in it. My examples are probably not that good.... I was quickly thinking of an example, but you probably picked example number two as being more engaging.Figurative language should be fun, exciting, and creative. It should be the reason why the paper you are writing has life in the first place (opinion). When you don't want something to be obvious, like saying it is raining hard, you use figurative language to make someone think about the true meaning.

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figurative language

What is an example of figurative language in Stephen King?

One example of figurative language in Stephen King's writing is the use of similes. For instance, in "It", King describes a character's fear as being "like a cold hand reaching into his chest". This simile helps to create a vivid and emotional image for the reader.

What is an example of figurative language in Flowers in the Attic?

An example of figurative language in "Flowers in the Attic" is when the author describes the main character's heart as being "shattered into a million pieces" when she experiences intense emotional pain. This is a metaphor that conveys the depth of her suffering and helps the reader understand the emotional impact of the situation.

How can you use figurative language in a speech for racism?

by being a goog gir;

What is an example of figurative language for Irony?

An example of figurative language for irony is "It's raining on my wedding day." This line from Alanis Morissette's song "Ironic" is ironic because typically weddings are associated with happiness and good luck, but rain is seen as a symbol of bad luck.

The plates danced in the shelves during the earthquake is an example of what type of figurative language?


The ambush in the title has a literal meaning the ambush that takes place in the jungle and a figurative meaning the way the past keeps ambushing the narrator This type of figurative language is?

This type of figurative language is called metaphor. In this case, the past is being compared to an ambush, creating a vivid image of how unexpected and intrusive memories from the past can affect the narrator.

Is onomatopoeia figurative language?

No, onomatopoeia is a technique where a word imitates the sound it represents, such as "buzz" or "hiss." It is considered a type of figurative language because it creates a sensory connection to the sound being described, but it is more literal in nature compared to other figurative language techniques like metaphors or similes.

What figurative language is in The chronicles of Vladimir tod tenth grade bleeds?

One example of figurative language in "The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod: Tenth Grade Bleeds" is a simile where the author describes a character's anger as being "like a simmering volcano ready to erupt." This comparison highlights the intensity and building nature of the character's emotions.

Does anyone know any good figurative language for something being obvious?

what about 'no S*it, Sherlock'?

When Grendel says unfeeths beard and hair hung straight down like seaweed what literary device is being used?

Figurative language

What figurative language is in 'Sea of Monsters'?

One example of figurative language in "Sea of Monsters" is when the author describes a character's laughter as being like a booming thunderstorm. This is a simile, comparing the loudness and intensity of the laughter to a powerful natural phenomenon.