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Robert F. 'Bobby' Kennedy, a Democratic contender for the US presidential nomination, was assassinated on June 6th 1968 in Los Angeles California.

Although not running for president, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was also assassinated on April 4th.
Robert F. Kennedy

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Q: Which of these men was assassinated during the 1968 presidential election campaign?
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Which political party used this campaign slogan during presidential election of 1856?

The Republican Party.

If an election is called for Canada what does the prime minister of Canada do?

During an election, the Prime Minister must campaign for his own seat. He also helps other members of his party campaign for their seats, by campaigning for his party across Canada.

How many times did Barack Obama appear on Saturday Night Live during his 2008 Presidential Campaign?

Mr. Obama himself has not been a guest on Saturday Night Live. There have been two cast-members who played the president in skits-- Fred Armisen was first, and it was he you saw during the 2008 election. More recently (September 2012), Jay Pharoah has been playing the role of Barack Obama.

Which is true of the 1912 pesidential election?

Thomas Jefferson was elected in 1800 despite a tie vote in the electoral college. His running mate, Aaron Burr got the same number of votes and Burr apparently saw a chance to be president despite his agreement to run for vice president. The House gave the election to Jefferson after much debate. ( The 12th amendment was soon added to the Constitution to prevent an recurrence of this kind of thing.)

Why did Benjamin Harrison use the slogan Grandfather's Hat fits Ben during his campaign?

"Ben" was first name and his grandfather, William Henry Harrison, was President in 1841. Throughout his life, though, he was determined to rely on his own efforts and achievements rather than ride on his grandfather's coattails. He once told a crowd of his grandfather's admirers, "He will not build high who had not built for himself." Despite his continuous attempts to distance himself from his grandfather's fame, Harrison's campaign managers did exploit the relationship during his presidential campaign with the slogan, "Grandfather's Hat Fits Ben."

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Who was assassinated during the 1968 presidential election?

Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968.

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During his presidential campaign, Andrew Jackson had the position that he was the people's candidate. He pointed out that the elite disregarded the people's choice in1824 and the tactic secured his election.

What tactic of Andrew Jackson's presidential campaign secured election?

During his presidential campaign, Andrew Jackson had the position that he was the people's candidate. He pointed out that the elite disregarded the people's choice in1824 and the tactic secured his election.

Which political party used this campaign slogan during presidential election of 1856?

The Republican Party.

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During the 2008 presidential election campaign. See: "what would Reagan do?"

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During the 1968 presidential campaign, Richard Nixon cast himself as the spokesperson for the silent majority. Nixon defeated Hubert Humphrey in the election.

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The vice presidential candidate is often referred to as the running mate of the presidential candidate during the campaign.

Who was assassinated during his 2nd presidential term?

Abraham Lincoln

Which men was assassinated during the 1968 presidential election compaign?

Robert F. Kennedy, former U.S. Attorney General and younger brother of President John F. Kennedy.

Did John F. Kennedy ever lose an election?

As president John Kennedy won the 1960 election, and was assassinated during his first term in office the question of Kennedy loosing an election does not rise.

Which president started the full dinner pail?

President William McKinley started the full dinner pail. It was used as a campaign slogan during the presidential election of 1900.