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A spring in a desert is usually responsible for the formation of an oasis.

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Q: Which of these is the result of a spring forming in a desert region?
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What is the result of a spring forming in a desert region?

If the spring is relatively permanent, an oasis may grow up around it.

What do you call a fertile area in a desert region usually having a spring?

An oasis is a small area of the desert with permanent water, usually in the form of a spring, that supports much more vegetation than the surrounding desert.

What are the seasons in a dry desert?

Summer, fall, winter and spring all occur in the deserts of the world.

What are fertile lands in the desert called?

An oasis is an area of the desert where ground water comes to the surface forming a spring or pond and this allows plants to grow in more profusion.

What is a well-watered area within a desert region?

It is known as an oasis. It is where a spring or water source, such as a pond or small lake forms on the desert surface.

What is an oasis region?

An oasis is a place in a desert where ground water reaches the surface, usually as a spring. The water allows more plants to flourish than in the surrounding desert.

What is a green place in the desert called?

An oasis is known as a place where water can be found in a desert. But in fact it is a small fertile or green area in a desert region, usually having a spring or well.

Where is possible to grow crops in the Sahara?

In an oasis. An oasis is a place in the desert where vegetation can flourish as a result of a spring supplying water from underground.

Where is it possible to grow crops in Sahara?

In an oasis. An oasis is a place in the desert where vegetation can flourish as a result of a spring supplying water from underground.

What is small fertile or green are in a desert region?

An oasis,

What are the release dates for The Spring in the Desert - 1913?

The Spring in the Desert - 1913 was released on: USA: 9 June 1913

What are spring pools in the desert?

Springs or pools in the desert are oases.