The area of the 2 continents:
North America: 9,361,791 square miles (24,247,039 square km)
South America: 6,880,706 square miles (17,821,029 square km)
Asia and Africa together are much larger than North America and South America together. In fact, Asia by itself is larger than North America and South America together. Asia is about 17,212,000 square miles. North America and South America combined is about 16,430,000 square miles. Africa is about 11,668,600 square miles.
Asia is larger that North America and South America combined. Asia is about 17,212,000 square miles. North America and South America combined is about 16,430,000 square miles.
Asia is still bigger than both North and South America combined.
The Isthmus of Panama separates North America from South America. It is also known as the Isthmus of Darien, and is a narrow strip of land that is in between the Caribbean Sea and Pacific ocean.
South America
America is a common nickname/alternate name for the United States of America, used mainly by American citizens. It is just another short way to say the country's name just as US, USA, or the United States is. Usually when one hears of America, they still are referring to North and South America.
South America borders North America from the south.
South America, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica have the majority of their landmass in the Southern Hemisphere.
1. The landmass known as North and South America 2. The country known as the United States of America
A gigantic landmass is called a continent. The Earth has seven continents, which are Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North America, Australia, and South America.
South America. i need two continents.
South America is much larger. North America could fit inside South America.
Amerigo Vespucci was one of the earliest explorers who knew that the land he explored was new land, and not a part of Asia. His journeys were published and became well known, leading an early map-maker to name the large landmass America after him. This new, large landmass had 2 parts, which were named north and south for convenience.
The continents by area are: * Asia * Africa * North America * South America * Antarctica * Europe * Australia.
The American continents refer to North America, Central America, and South America. These continents make up the landmass of the Western Hemisphere.
Asia is larger that North America and South America combined. Asia is about 17,212,000 square miles. North America and South America combined is about 16,430,000 square miles.
By landmass: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, Australia. By population: Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica.
Asia, Africa, North America.