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Hera is a Greek and Roman goddess (also known as Juno) who is the wife of Zeus and queen of the gods. Her charge is marriage and she defends the ideas of it fiercely but, ironically, can not keep her husband from straying and ignoring her values.

Hera's passionate personality plays a large role in how she reacts to certain situations; she can be incredibly cruel to her rivals or immensely helpful.

She can be considered a hero in the myth of Jason and the Argonauts in which she helps him obtain the golden fleece -- an impossible task without her aid.

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13y ago

Hera was the Queen of the Olympians since she was the wife of Zeus. She is the goddess of marriage and also of the skies. Hera is extremely beautiful and very vain. She would take much care to renew her youth and beauty. Although Hera is very beautiful, Zeus is infidel and often flirted with mortal women. Because of that, Hera is very suspicious, violent and jealous. Hera would also try to punish children between her husband and mortal women.

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Jason and the Argonauts.

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How did the goddess Hera help the world?

Hera was the goddess of marriage and childbirth.

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Hera can help marriges and childbirth and tries to kill zeus' lovers

What is the quest called in the lost hero?

The quest in "The Lost Hero" is called the Quest of Hera. Jason Grace, Piper McLean, and Leo Valdez are given this quest to rescue the goddess Hera, who has been captured by the giant Enceladus.

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Camp half blood

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She saves everyone by showing her "true form" as a Goddess.

What is the story about in the lost hero book?

The lost hero is about a 3 kids who go on a quest to save Hera the Queen of gods. but Hera took the memory from the son of Zeus Jason. This book is action packed and has most of the same people from the Percy Jackson series.

How do you get help from Hera in poptropica?

You can't

What hera name stands for?

Hera is 'Lady' in Greek. The feminine of Hero-'Lord'.

One hero whose mother was Aphrodite?

Hera was Aphrodite's mother as well as Arthemis , Athena ,and Apollo.