Ash Battles Gary on Episode 272-273
Pokemon Season 5 : Master quest episode 60-61
This is the silver tournament or what ever they call it and its the fight between Blastoise and Charizard, best Pokemon battle I have ever seen in this show
No, change Ash into Gary
Ash has never kissed a girl, or Dawn.
There isn't an episode where Ash and Misty kiss, the video's on Youtube were fan made. Its a fake.
yes ash does beat paul it was infernape vs electavire it was a good battle
Ash and Gary's first on-screen Pokémon battle happens in the episode that is titled "The Rivalry Revival" in which Ash chooses his Pikachu to battle and Gary goes with his Eevee. Gary's Eevee wins the battle. The next battle Ash and Gary have happened in the episodes titled "The Ties That Bind" and "Can't Beat the Heat." "The Ties That Bind" and "Can't Beat the Heat" are episodes that take place during the Johto League's Silver Conference league tournament.
episode 553
No, change Ash into Gary
ash uses torkal at the battle pyrimad in episode 461
Ash battled Norman in the episode "Balance of Power."
Ash battles Richie in episode 81: Friend and Foe Alike.
ash does not face lance at all
episode 24
The Semi Final Frontier
Ash battles Erika in the episode that's titled "Pokémon Scent-sation." It is Episode 26 in Season 1 according to the U.S. Episode Count.
Ash leaves Hoenn (Battle Frontier) in episode 468: Home Is Where The Start Is and arrives in Sinnoh in episode 469: Following A Maiden Voyage.
Ash had a double battle against Suwama in the Best Wishes episode number 077, 'Evolution by fire!'.