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Transformers it was 1 of the very first shows to come out

Gobots toys were 5 months ahead of Transformers

Gobots aired September 8, 1984 Transformers aired September 17, 1984

However Tranformers annihilated Gobots

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Transformers was produced in 1984 so while it came before Power Rangers debuted in the United States in August of 1993 Power Rangers however originates from a Japanese television series that has been collectively termed as the Super Sentai series which started with a group of heroes called Himitsu Sentai Goranger which began in 1975 and aired for 2 years and then it later went to the second Sentai team called J.AK.Q. which began airing in 1977.

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Q: Which came first power rangers or transformers?
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Which is older transfomers or power rangers?

The Transformers toyline started in 1984 so the Transformers toys would be older than the American show of Power Rangers. Transformers: The Movie came out in 1986 which would also make it older than the American Power Rangers. The TV series also beats it out with it being older than the American Power Rangers however Power Rangers originates from a Japanese TV series which fans classify as Sentai and the Sentai series is older than Transformers since Sentai started in 1975.

Which came first power rangers or kamen rider?

Kamen Rider came first because it first debuted in Japan in 1971. The Power Rangers were first debuted in 1993 however the Power Rangers came from a Super Sentai series which initially started as a Sentai series and it first debuted in Japan in 1975.

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Turbo A Power Rangers Movie and then Power Rangers Turbo were after Power Rangers Zeo.

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The First Power Rangers came out in August of 1993 and that season was Mighty Morphin power Rangers

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The Power Rangers Television Series started airing on TV in 1993.

Where can one watch the movie Transformers which came out in 2007?

There are many places where one could watch the first Transformers movie which came out in the year 2007. The best place to watch the first Transformers would be on Netflix.

Who is that Toro guy from power rangers lost galaxy?

do you mean the magna defender? red rangers brother came back, cant remember how but he came back and was given some power.

What power ranger come after power ranger samurai?

The season that follows Power Rangers S.P.D. also known as Power Rangers Space Patrol Delta is Power Rangers Mystic Force. Mystic Force unleashes undead warriors from the Underworld lead by the sealed Master of the Underworld as well as his minions; Morticon who acts as the main leader in the Master's place as well as his Generals; Koragg the Knight Wolf and Necrolai the Queen of the Vampires, Necrolai also has a half-human half-vampire daughter named Leelee and because of the undead warriors being unleashed this forces the white sorceress; Udonna to recruit Xander, Vida, Madison, Chip and Nick to become the Mystic Force Power Rangers.

When will power rangers RPM come out?

It came out on March 7, 2009.

Name all the power ranger teams ever?

Yes the names of the teams are Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers, Power Rangers Zeo, Power Rangers Turbo, Power Rangers In Space, Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, Power Rangers Time Force, Power Rangers Wild Force, Power Rangers Ninja Storm, Power Rangers Dino Thunder, Power Rangers S.P.D. or Power Rangers Space Patrol Delta, Power Rangers Mystic Force, Power Rangers Operation Overdrive, Power Rangers Jungle Fury, Power Rangers RPM, Power Rangers Samurai, Power Rangers Megaforce, Power Rangers Dino Charge and Power Rangers Ninja Steel.

What are the release dates for Power Rangers Zeo - 1996 It Came from Angel Grove 1-23?

Power Rangers Zeo - 1996 It Came from Angel Grove 1-23 was released on: USA: 11 September 1996

What are the release dates for Power Rangers Zeo - 1996 The Ranger Who Came in from the Gold 1-38?

Power Rangers Zeo - 1996 The Ranger Who Came in from the Gold 1-38 was released on: USA: 31 October 1996