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Q: Which Big Time Rush guy is left handed?
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Are the Big Time Rush boy's left or right handed?

Logan,James,Carlos Are Right Handed. While Kendall Is Left Handed. :)

Is James Maslow right handed?

What? What kind of stupid question is that? YES,.. he is right handed.:LOL!

Is kendall schmidt a lefty?

Kendall Schmidt from Big Time Rush is both handed.

Who sing better Big Time Rush boys or Big Time Rush girls?

Big Time Rush boys.

Where does Big Time Rush buys their clothes?

were does big time rush get thei cloths and were do big time rush live

Who is worst singer in Big Time Rush?

in big time rush logon big time

Who is Kendall in Big Time Rush?

Kendall is the boy That had that broke up with his girlfriend and she left.

Is joey king in Big Time Rush?

No she is not in Big Time Rush.

What is the genre of Big Time Rush?

what is the genre for big time rush

What is Big Time Rush first album?

big time rush

Where to get Big Time Rush shirt?

on amazon and on the big time rush site.

What is Big Time Rush color?

Big Time Rush doesn't have a color.