Cody, Wyoming
An Unfinished Affair - 1996 TV is rated/received certificates of: UK:15
The movie was filmed in East Corinth,VT. We have a cabin there.
The movie Sliding Home was filmed there.
It was filmed in Brazil and LA
Cody, Wyoming
The duration of An Unfinished Affair is 1.52 hours.
An Unfinished Affair was created on 1996-04-29.
Some of it was filmed in the small village of Burdett Alberta Canada.
An Unfinished Affair - 1996 TV is rated/received certificates of: UK:15
An Unfinished Affair - 1996 TV was released on: USA: 29 April 1996 Sweden: 18 January 2001
Not Italy. It was France.
There was no movie filmed
The movie An Affair to Remember (1957) was filmed in the following locations:Villefranche-sur-Mer, Alpes-Maritimes, FranceFrench Riviera, Alpes-Maritimes, FranceNew York CityStage 8, 20th Century Fox Studios, Century City, Los Angeles, CA
Filmed in 1965, â??Moment to Momentâ?? is a movie about a woman who accidentally kills a man with whom she is having an affair. It stars Kay Stanton and is available for purchase or rent on DVD.
The movie was filmed in East Corinth,VT. We have a cabin there.
The movie Sliding Home was filmed there.