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I Samuel 17:40 tells us that David chose 5 smooth stones, but there is no mention of why the number 5? David was like most persons in that no one would take just one bullet for a pistol against a giant or an enemy soldier.

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Q: Where in the bible does it say Why did david take five stones when he killed goliath?
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Who Killed Goliath With A Slingshot And Five Stones?

I don't know who killed Goliath with five stones, but i do know who killed Goliath with ONE stone and that was David.

What giant was slain by a boy armed with a sling and a few stones?

Goliath was Killed By A Little Boy Named David Armed only with A few stones he ofund on his way and a sling The boy was David and the monster was Goliath in a biblical story.

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1 Samuel 17:7 says that Goliath carried a spear that was like a weaver's beam, when he was killed by David. This description was the same as the spear that Goliath was carrying when Elhanan killed him, in 2 Samuel 21:19 (The Hebrew Bible in English, JPS 1917 Edition), although the King James Version renders this as the brother of Goliath, with "the brother of " in italics to show that it was not a true translation.

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David killed Goliath by hitting him with a stone thrown from a slingshot.

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David killed Goliath.

Is the phrase 5 Smooth Stones used in the Old Testament of the Bible?

1 Samuel 17:40. This is in reference to stones selected by David before his confrontation with Goliath.

What did it prove when David killed Goliath with a stone instead of a sword?

The point of that story is that a little man can take down the largest of people if he uses his brain. And that is what David did. He thought and decided that the stones would take Goliath down.

Where is Goliath's body now?

The Bible says the birds ate the flesh off of Goliath's corpse leaving nothing but the skeleton behind. No one knows what happened to Goliath's body after David killed him.

Who killed Goliath?

David killed Goliath with a slingshot.A second version of the story says that Elhanan, son of Jair, from Bethlehem, killed Goliath. Explanations include:Elhanan was David's name at one point in his lifeStory tellers changed the story from the lesser known individual to David the King.Elhanan killed Goliath's brother.

Why was David given command of an army?

If you are referring to David in the Holy Bible, then the answer is because He was blessed by God. He also killed Goliath (who was a Philistine giant & enemy of Israel).

Did David kill with a stone?

David killed Goliath with a stone.

What book is goliath found in the bible?

There is more than referance to Goliath in the Bible, but the main story of David and Goliath is found in 1 Samuel 17.