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That is pretty much impossible, but doable. First, you need My Pokemon Ranch. Then, you need to catch 999 pokemon. Upload 998 of them into My Pokemon Ranch. (Bonus: Along the way, you'll get eggs, one will contain Manaphy.) Next, you need to save your game. Now, upload the 999th. Hayley will give you another egg. Without saving hatch it. It will contain a Mew. If it is pink, hit the power button and repeat from "Now, upload the 999th." If it is blue, save your game, it's shiny.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Action replay is for platinum unless your lucky enough to get it shiny on another game but other than that Ar is the only way

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Q: Where do you get shiny mew in Pokemon platinum?
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How do you get shiny mew in Pokemon planuim?

you have to have cheats there is no way to get shiney mew in platinum

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You need the naxtionil pokedek go to the resort area Battle 55 Pokemon should be a shiny mew

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blue mew is a shiny version of mew so you have to be very lucky to catch a shiny Pokemon let alone a shiny mew

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to catch shiny mew you have to migrate it from Pokemon fire red leaf green from GBA

Is mew in platinum?

yes mew is in Pokemon platinum at mew island hope i helped

How do you catch a shiny mew on poke platinum I will trade MY mew lv40 for it?

action replay

How do you get data on a mew in Pokemon platinum?

Capture Mew!

Is mew in Pokemon platinum?

If You Meant To Catch To Mew,No.

Can you catch mew in Pokemon Platinum without cheating?

No, you cannot catch a mew in Pokemon Platinum without cheating.

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The 151st Pokemon is Mew and is unobtainable in Pokemon Platinum.

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if you have Mew on a game boy Pokemon game migerate it to platinum and than go to the pal park.

How do you get mew three in platinum?

there is no such Pokemon called mew three