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Ewoks are a fictional alien race of hunter-gatherers in the Star Wars universe. They are native to the forest moon of Endor.

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Q: Where do the ewoks live?
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Where do the ewoks live in Star Wars?

The Ewoks live on the sanctuary moon around the planet of Endor.

What is the Ewoks' forest moon?

The Ewoks live on the forest moon of Endor.

Do Ewoks live underground?

No, they live in huts on the ground and in trees.

Where do Ewoks live?

Ewoks are a fictional alien race of hunter-gatherers in the Star Wars universe. They are native to the forest moon of Endor.

Do ewoks eat other ewoks?


Who is ewoks?

They are these little brown creatures with hoods that live on Endor and later help the rebels.

What was the name of the bears in star wars?

The ones on the forest moon of Endor are called Ewoks.

What are the bears in Star Wars called?

They were called Ewoks.

How long do ewoks live?

i would guess 8 years, because the way they act and fight

Who hates Ewoks most?

Probably Impiral Officers. The ewoks Pwnd them. And anyway, only dark, evil minds could hate ewoks.

Do ewoks speak tagalog?

No. The Ewoks are speaking their own language which is Ewokese

What are ewoks?

Ewoks are a fictional alien race of hunter-gatherers in the Star Wars universe.