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Banana slugs live in North America.

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Q: Where do banana slugs live?
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What do banana slugs do?


How are banana slugs endangerd?

Banana Slugs live on a little while. They die of shrivelling up in the sun, or by predators eating them. If a predator eats a banana slug the slug will then let out a foamy adhesive substance to glue together the mouth of their enemy

Are banana slugs any bigger than normal slugs?

Banana slugs can grow up to 9.8 inches in length! One species is the second largest terrestrial slug in the world. So, it would be safe to say, that Banana Slugs are very large compared to almost all other slugs.

What are banana slugs related to?


What eats Banana Slugs?


Why is the banana slug yellow?

banana slugs are yellow because they are poisonous.

What are the names of the slugs?

1. leopard slugs 2. banana slugs 3. garden slugs 4. red triangle slugs 5. black slugs 6. field slugs 7. keel slugs

What color slugs are?

The colour of slug depends on the type. On the west coast there are slugs that are yellow with dark brown patches, we used to call these banana slugs.

What do mice and banana slugs eat that is a producer?

grass and leaves

Were do slugs live?

i think slugs live under rocks

What is the banana habitat?

Banana slugs live in the redwood forests in the North Pacific area of the United States, in the states Washington, Oregon, and the northernmost parts of California. Slugs, as opposed to snails, generally tend to live in areas such as this region, which are characterized by acidic soils. Snails tend to be native to areas with higher soil pH, for basic soil is more conducive to shell formation.

What animals like the redwood tree?

bugs, banana slugs and owls